Construction will soon begin on the Ison Road Extension project in Victoria, which will provide the growing community in Wyndham West with a new link to the Princes Freeway.
Major works will begin in early 2025 and, once completed by the end of 2026, the road extension will connect with the Ison Road Overpass that is currently under construction.
The Ison Road Extension project will deliver a 1.3-kilometre, four-lane road between the new overpass and the Geelong Road freeway interchange at Werribee.
Walking and cycling paths to Geelong Road will also be provided as part of the project to help boost local active transport opportunities.
Once open to traffic, the new link will help enhance connectivity as well as improve safety and reduce congestion – particularly in central Werribee. The extended Ison Road will be able to cater for more than 29,000 daily journeys by 2036, helping Wyndham West meet its growing transport needs.
Source: Victoria's Big Build
Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV) has been working with Wyndham City Council on the pre-construction phase of the project, which is going to be delivered by MRPV on behalf of the council.
The Ison Road Extension is funded with a $60 million contribution from the Victorian Government’s Growth Area Infrastructure Contribution (GAIC) fund alongside an additional $20 million from the council.
Work on the Ison Road Overpass, which extends over the Melbourne-Geelong railway line, is forging ahead, with its most recent construction milestone involving the installation of bridge beams.
Once the Ison Road Overpass and Extension are completed, the dangerous and congested level crossing at Galvin Road, Werribee will be closed to traffic – works to be delivered by the Level Crossing Removal Project.
Source: Victoria’s Big Build – Big Build Roads (1, 2); Infrastructure Magazine
Construction has commenced on the multi-billion dollar project that will serve as an alternative to the West Gate Bridge – the West Gate Tunnel.
The city-shaping West Gate Tunnel Project in Victoria is progressing to the next stage of major works with close to a kilometre of new bridges and ramps set to be lifted in place over Dudley Street in the coming weeks.
Victoria’s city-shaping project – the West Gate Tunnel Project – has crossed two major milestones deep underground and high in the air, further taking commuters in Melbourne’s west closer to having better and more efficient travel times.
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