The Victorian Government has invested $18.5 million to upgrade the Goulburn Valley Highway between Molesworth and Yea in north-east Victoria to help save regional motorists lives on one of Victoria’s most notorious sections of road.
There have been a number of tragic accidents on this 10km stretch of road in the past five years, including eight fatalities and 13 people seriously injured. The majority of crashes were caused by vehicles crossing the centre-line or running off the road. Interim safety treatments have been in place since April 2015, including reduction of the speed limit from 100 km/h to 80 km/h, "High Crash Zone" warning signs and a tactile centre line along the length of section of the road.
The success of these measures have encouraged the Victorian Government to implement long term safety treatments that will prevent head-on crashes and reduce the severity of the impact on the vehicle when a mistake is made.
Image Credit: Google Maps of Molesworth to Yea Victoria.Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan said the allocation of $18 million towards the road upgrade came as part of a $1 billion Safe System Road Infrastructure Program being rolled out to fix problematic roads over 10 years.
Safety Barriers
A centre-line wire rope safety barrier will be constructed between the church entrance at Molesworth and Limestone Road, Yea. The centre-line wire rope safety barrier will have approximately 20 openings, to cater for property access and emergency services. These openings are typically 40 metres wide or greater to allow for turning trucks into properties. A left-hand side barrier will be installed at high risk locations to protect motorists from trees and steep drop-offs. All barriers will be installed with motorcycle-friendly treatments in areas of high likelihood of losing control.
Image Credit: Transport Accident Commission.The centre-line barrier is designed to prevent head-on crashes or vehicles running off the road to the right.
Road Widening
Single lanes measuring between 10.5 metres to 12.5 metres wide will be widened and the shoulders of the road reconstructed. It is expected widening will occur on one side of the road only where possible.
Additional overtaking lanes
There are currently two overtaking lanes between Molesworth and Yea. The overtaking lane at Cotton’s Pinch will be extended towards Whytes Lane. The overtaking lane at Yea will swap in direction. An additional overtaking lane will be constructed between the existing overtaking lanes for those for vehicles travelling towards Molesworth.
Another overtaking lane is planned on the river flats next to the power poles coming into Molesworth to eliminate the sporadic overtaking which currently takes place.
Variable message signs
Image Credit: Great Victorian Rail Trails - Molesworth Victoria Township
Construction will start in mid April 2016. The project will be constructed in sections starting from Yea and working towards Molesworth. If you're looking for plant hire suppliers local to the Goulburn Valley Highway, check out these shortcuts to the supplier directory:
DownerMouchel, a joint venture between Downer EDI Limited and Mouchel, has been given a $3.5 million contract to upgrade a 10 kilometre section of the Victorian Highway, west of Kununurra in WA.
The Commonwealth Government has agreed to open Tony Abbott's 'locked box' policy and allowed the Victorian Government to keep the $1.5 billion allocated for the dumped East West Link project.
The Victorian Government has invested $183 million towards the repair and resurfacing of suburban roads as well as major highways across Melbourne. Three contracts have also been awarded for the construction of the roads.
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