Glencore's $7bn Wandoan coal project in QLD receives first mining leases

Monica Gameng   |   August 14, 2017

Glencore has been granted the first mining leases for its proposed $7 billion major coal development in the Surat Basin in Queensland’s south-west region.

Natural Resources and Mines Minister Dr Anthony Lynham approved the grant of three 27-year leases over a 30,000-hectare site for Stage 1 of the Wandoan coal project, which is located near Roma.

Glencore first applied for the leases back in 2007, and the project’s Environmental Impact Statement was approved by the Coordinator-General in November 2010. The project also received its environmental approval from the Commonwealth Government in March 2011.

Once operational, the mine will be able to produce up to 22 million tonnes of high-quality thermal coal each year.

The Wandoan mine is set to become the first major coal project of this scale in the Surat Basin, and it will require a rail link to the Port of Gladstone for export purposes.

Glencore said in a statement: “The Wandoan Coal Project will require a multi-billion dollar capital investment for both the mine and related rail infrastructure.”

This project is expected to create up to 1,300 jobs during its construction as well as a further 800 operational jobs when the mine is up and running.

Source: Queensland Government, Queensland Country Life, Charleville Plus More, Australian Mining and Glencore

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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