Four key intersections in Gilgandra, New South Wales will be upgraded to make them safer for locals as well as heavy vehicle drivers.
The Australian and New South Wales Governments are jointly funding $40 million towards the project – each contributing $32 million and $8 million respectively.
“These intersection upgrades will be really significant for both Gilgandra locals and the truckies who transport goods through and around the town.
“We’re proud to partner with the NSW Govenrment on strategic investments like this that make our roads safer and more efficient,” Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said.
“This $40 million investment demonstrates our government’s commitment to improving the safety and efficiency of our roads.
“These upgrades will improve traffic flow and road safety, as well as deliver long-term benefits to residents and businesses alike,” Senator for NSW Deborah O’Niell said.
The Hargraves Lane and Federation Street intersections with the Newell, Oxley and Castlereagh highways will be upgraded to help increase freight productivity, reduce travel delays and improve safety.
The intersection upgrades will open bypass access for all heavy vehicles while reducing the number of heavy vehicles passing through the Gilgandra CBD.
Some larger vehicles are currently unable to use Gilgandra’s heavy vehicle bypass because the intersections can’t be safely navigated, with some of the biggest and heaviest vehicles needing to travel along Castlereagh Highway (Miller Street) through the town centre.
“This investment will be warmly welcomed by the Gilgandra community. Taking heavy vehicles out of the main streets of town will improve safety, make the town more liveable, decrease wear and tear on the roads and generally improve the efficiency of truck routes in the area.
“It’s good to see both levels of government recognising the strategic importance of the Gilgandra Shire and the benefits that unlocking more investment in our regional network will bring,” State Member for Barwon Roy Butler said.
“The upgrades we’re investing in will improve safety for truck drivers, pedestrians and all other road users.
“I am pleased to see this important work progressing and look forward to hearing what the community thinks of the proposed upgrades,” NSW Labor’s spokesperson for Barwon Stephen Lawrence said.
The State Government has already carried out preliminary investigations to identify the requirements for each of the four key intersections and is currently consulting with Gilgandra Shire Council as well as other key stakeholders to refine the proposed improvements.
A Review of Environmental Factors (REF) and concept designs for the proposed intersection upgrades will be put into public display and feedback by late 2025.
“Right across regional NSW, we are building better road and transport infrastructure.
“We look forward to continuing to engage with Gilgandra Shire Council, the local community, the heavy vehicle industry and other interested stakeholders to deliver the freight, safety, efficiency and amenity objectives of the project,” NSW Regional Transport and Roads Minister Jenny Aitchison said.
Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; NSW Government – Media Releases; Transport for NSW; Roads & Infrastructure Australia