Georgiou Group to build $44m Ellenbrook Tank project in WA

Monica Gameng   |   July 2, 2017

WA Water Minister Dave Kelly has announced the $44 million Ellenbrook Tank project for Water Corporation. The new 80 million-litre water tank will cater for the growth in the north-east metropolitan corridor as well as provide Ellenbrook residents with a more consistent water pressure.

“This important project will improve the water supply to Ellenbrook and the rapidly growing north-east metropolitan corridor.

“The new tank will also provide a more consistent water pressure to Ellenbrook, with water to gravity feed down to households and businesses,” Mr Kelly said.

The project – which is located north of Gnangara Road, near the Hanson sand quarry – is expected to become the largest water tank in the southern hemisphere and the largest ever to be constructed in WA.

Georgiou Group has been awarded two work packages on the project. The company has recently completed the earthworks package and will now begin working on the design and construction of the tank. Georgiou will be manufacturing the tank at their Precast yard in Hazelmere.

“The tank will be fabricated as 80 precast concrete panels in Hazelmere, before being transported to site and assembled.

“When completed, the tank will be an impressive 91 metres in diameter and 13 metres high, holding enough water to fill more than 35 Olympic-sized swimming pools,” Mr Kelly said.

In order to connect the tank to the Integrated Water Supply Scheme, approximately six kilometres of water main will also be built.

The Water Corporation is planning to build three tanks at the site over the next four decades, which will be built in stages as the population grows.

The fabrication and construction of the new tank will be creating 200 local jobs, with works expected to be completed in early 2018.

“It is great to see the Water Corporation using the expertise of local contractors throughout the fabrication and construction of the tank. More than 200 Western Australian workers will be involved in the project,” the Minister said.

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Source: Georgiou Group, Government of Western Australia and Water Corporation

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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