Funding committed towards new bridges & road upgrades in Central West NSW

Monica Gameng   |   November 25, 2024
Kiacatoo Road flooded in 2022 (cr: Transport for NSW)

The Australian and New South Wales Governments are jointly committing $32 million through the Regional Transport Resilience Fund (RTRF) to build new bridges, upgrade roads and deliver a more resilient transport network for the flood-hit communities in the Central West. 

The significant funding will support the Cabonne, Forbes, Lachlan and Parkes councils in repairing and upgrading roads and transport infrastructure that were damaged by the 2022 floods, better preparing these communities for future natural disasters. 

“Communities in Central West NSW were hit hard by flooding in 2022, and both levels of government are working together to help them recover from and prepare for future events. 

“The new bridges and upgraded roads will help residents stay connected and safe during severe weather. 

“We know that there is more work to be done, and we are committed to supporting Central Western communities to recover and rebuild for the long term,” Federal Minister for Emergency Management Jenny McAllister said. 

“This program focusses on building back better so that communities across the Central West are better prepared in the face of future disasters. 

“It also means local communities that are hit by future floods and severe weather can bounce back more quickly, easing the burden on families, businesses and councils at a time when they need support most,” NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Paul Scully said. 

The cost of the RTRF package is shared between the two levels of governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. 

The four councils receiving funding from the RTRF experienced the worst of the 2022 floods, which saw roads and transport infrastructure severely damaged in a disaster that affected a geographical area stretching 11,000 kilometres. 

The RTRF package is part of the joint Federal and State Governments $100 million Central West Recovery and Resilience Package which includes the recently announced $40 million Resilient Homes Program, $2 million for the Resilient Homes Consultation Program, the $25 million Community Assets Program and $1 million for the Legal Aid Assistance Program. 

“We are building these communities for the future and this funding for vital projects will be welcomed to continue on the path towards recovery. 

“We have made investing in recovery efforts in the Central West a priority and these works will help reduce future costs of repairs to road and transport assets damaged by natural disasters, as well as improving safety and transport access,” NSW Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib said. 

“We know that for every $1 invested in betterment we save up to $10 in recovery. 

“The projects we are investing in will help local communities continue to rebuild their lives and livelihoods following the devastating floods and well into the future. 

“The Regional Transport Resilience Fund is not just about repairing like for like. It will ensure vital infrastructure like bridges and roads are built back better able to withstand future disasters,” NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said. 

Projects covered by the RTRF package include: 

Parkes Shire Council 

  • $5.65 million for: 
    • A new bridge on The Bogan Way between Trundle and Parkes 
    • A new bridge on Middle Trundle Road 
    • The installation of culverts and causeways at various locations on Middle Trundle Road 
  • $1.08 million for the installation of new concrete causeways as part of the Council’s causeway improvement program 

“The assistance being offered to these councils in the NSW Central West will greatly assist in rebuilding and recovery efforts. 

“Communities need to be better connected and protected when future flood events hit and this investment from the Australian and NSW Governments will help meet these needs,” NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffin said. 

Forbes Shire Council 

  • $5.43 million to upgrade four culverts and upgrade pavement at various locations across the council area 
  • $4.4 million to upgrade five culverts and pavement on Wirrinya Road 
  • $1.6 million for: 
    • Culvert replacement and pavement upgrades at various locations on Pinnacle Road 
    • Pavement upgrades at various locations on Waugan Road 

“The investment being made through the Regional Transport Resilience Fund will help local residents be better able to withstand future flooding and will ensure our communities can stay connected when disaster hits. 

“Our communities are resilient, and this funding will go a long way to ensuring their road and transport infrastructure is too,” NSW Independent Member for Orange Phil Donato said. 

Lachlan Shire Council 

  • $3.99 million for: 
    • Pavement overlay and stabilisation, sealing work, additional culverts at various locations, and one culvert/bridge replacement on Lake Cargelligo Road 
    • Pavement overlay and stabilisation, sealing work, increased culvert width and headwalls scour protection on Lachlan Valley Way 
  • $827,783 for pavement strengthening, overlay and stabilisation, sealing work and increased culvert capacity at various locations on Kiacatoo Road 

“Ensuring we are rebuilding flood-damaged roads so that they are more flood resilient and so that they can be kept open during flood events is a top priority for our local communities. 

“It’s good to see the Australian and NSW Governments listening to our communities and working with councils to build more resilience into our road network,” NSW Independent Member for Barwon Roy Butler said. 

Cabonne Shire Council 

  • $3.78 million for installation of concrete floodways, table drains, box culverts, pipe culverts, headwalls and concrete decks at various locations across the council area 
  • $3.67 million for a package of bridge work including: 
    • Raising the bridge deck at Canomodine Lane Bridge, Canowindra 
    • Culvert upgrades on Edward Street, Molong 
    • Replacing the Baghdad Road Bridge, Cargo 
    • Raising the bridge deck at Ophir Road Bridge, Ophir 
    • Work on the Kiewa Street footbridge, Manildra 

“Our local communities continue to recover and rebuild in the wake of the devastating floods we experienced. 

“I am pleased to see that there is almost $8 million for the Cabonne Shire, which will fund badly needed repairs and also include bridge raising. This will help us deal with future storm and flood events,” Federal Independent Member for Calare Andrew Gee said. 

Source: NSW Government – Media Releases; Transport for NSW; Inside Local Government 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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