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Funding boost to deliver better active transport infrastructure in VIC

Written by Monica Gameng | Feb 27, 2025 2:39:49 AM

The Australian Government is supporting the delivery of more active transport infrastructure in Victoria with a $21 million investment. 

This significant funding will deliver 19 projects across the State, building new or upgrading existing bicycle and walking paths. 

“From Melbourne to the Yarra Ranges, we’re investing in active transport options right across Victoria to shape the way locals and visitors move around our great towns. 

“Whether you’re on a motor scooter, pushing a pram, walking or cycling, we’re making it easier for people to get to school, work or local services, without having to jump in the car. 

“This is about so much more than bike lanes and footpaths, it’s about reshaping our cities and regional centres, connecting our everyday places, and making our towns better to live in and easier to visit,” Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King said. 

$923,650 will be provided to Frankston City Council to construct a shared path in Frankston South on Towerhill Road. This project will upgrade existing infrastructure to enhance safety by providing dedicated paths to allow cyclists to avoid the busy roadways. 

On Phillip Island, $980,000 is being invested in the Bass Coast Shire Council’s new shared path to link the township of Cowes and Ventnor for visitors and locals alike. 

The Ararat Rural City Council’s ‘Ararat on the Move’ Strategy will receive $266,000 to design and build almost 10 kilometres of bicycle routes that will help transform the town, connecting residents and visitors with shops, schools, recreational facilities as well as the Ararat CBD and train station. 

Yarra Ranges Council in Kilsyth will receive $460,000 to create a new 1.7-kilometre shared user path along Liverpool Road between Canterbury Road and Mount Dandenong Road to connect popular destinations including the Bayswater Business Precinct and Pinks Reserve, and feed into nearby trails. 

Other projects that will receive funding include: 

  • Over $960,000 for Melbourne City Council to upgrade three traffic signals on Rathdowne Street in Carlton to improve safety of this shared path 
  • Over $680,000 for Maroondah City Council to convert the footpath along Greenwood Avenue into a shared user path, connecting the railway station in central Ringwood with the regional Jubilee Sports Precinct, Aquinas College and Great Ryrie Primary School 
  • $900,000 for Horsham Rural City Council to implement safety upgrades to main entry roads into the Horsham Central Activity District to provide safe access for cyclists and pedestrians 

The Australian Government is committed to making the nation’s cities and regions even better places to live while building social infrastructure, connecting places and designing healthier, more liveable towns. 

The Government’s new Active Transport Fund is one part of this commitment, which aims to provide safe and accessible transport options that are good for the planet and good for Australians. 

The Active Transport Fund supports the Australian Government’s commitment to invest in infrastructure planning, design and construction that improves safety outcomes for vulnerable road users under the National Road and Safety Strategy 2021-2030. 

“The Albanese Labor Government is investing in our community, building a more connected Frankston. 

“We’re making it easier for families and students to get around Frankston safely,” Federal Member for Dunkley Jodie Belyea said. 

Below is the list of all projects that will receive funding in Victoria: 

Proponent Project Funding amount
Moorabool Shire Council Gordon Township Active Transport Loop $678,825
Mount Alexander Shire Council Design and construction of McKenzie Hill to Parker Street Shared Pathway, Castlemaine $3,010,600
Hume City Council Highland Drive Shared User Path Upgrade $50,000
Hume City Council Lygon Drive Shared User Path and Cycling Facilities Upgrades $200,000
Yarra Ranges Shire Council Design and construction of the Liverpool Road Trail, Kilsyth $468,938
City of Darebin BT Connor Reserve Shared Path $158,000
Maroondah City Council Design and construction of Greenwood Avenue Shared Use Path $681,630
Frankston City Council Construction of Shared User Path on Towerhill Road, Frankston South $923,650
Hobsons Bay City Council Kororoit Creek Shared Trail Stages 4 and 5 $5,000,000
Melton City Council Design and construction of a shared use path along Westwood Drive, Burnside/Ravenhall $968,527
Melton City Council Design and Construction of Raised Priority Crossings - Caroline Springs Boulevard and Gourlay Road Corridor, Caroline Springs $1,147,093
Moorabool Shire Council Griffith Street, Maddingley Active Transport Corridor $1,814,503
City of Port Phillip Beacon Road Active Transport Safety Upgrade, Port Melbourne $515,000
City of Glen Eira Improving Paths, Connecting Communities $2,336,000
Horsham Rural City Council Horsham Central Activity District - safe eastern access for cyclists and pedestrians $900,000
City of Melbourne Rathdowne Street Traffic Signals Upgrade $963,095
Bass Coast Shire Council Design and construction of the Ventnor Road Shared Path, Phillip Island $980,000
Ararat Rural City Council Design and Upgrade of the Active Transport Bicycle Network, Ararat $266,000
Warrnambool City Council Industrial Precinct Footpath Construction $266,626


Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; Roads & Infrastructure Australia; Council Magazine