Safer and faster journeys are a step closer for the more than 50,000 motorists travelling through the base of Mount Ousley following the award of a major contract to design and build a new interchange.
Fulton Hogan was awarded the contract to deliver the $390 million transport infrastructure project that is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales Government – $240 million and $150 million respectively.
“We are one step closer to starting major work on this critical piece of infrastructure, which will not only improve travel times for motorists but also improve safer journeys and support growing freight movements to the south coast.
“This stretch of road is known for traffic queuing and delays during peak periods. Separating cars and heavy vehicles travelling southbound is a unique feature that will provide a safer environment for everyone using the road,” Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said.
“This project will boost the Illawarra economy, providing work and training opportunities for more than 450 people in the coming years.
“This funding investment recognises the importance of the region to the national economy,” State Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Transport and Roads Anna Watson said.
Key features of the project include:
Once completed, the new interchange will replace the existing Princes Motorway and Mount Ousley Road intersection, and it will improve road safety for thousands of motorists by providing northbound access from Mount Ousley Road to the motorway via an overpass while also providing better separation for cars and heavy vehicles.
“The new interchange will also improve access for locals and visitors to our region, both from the M1 Princes Motorway and the Wollongong CBD.
“It’s also great to see the improved amenities for all road users, with the design including a new pedestrian and cyclist access over the motorway.
“It’s the upgrade Wollongong has long been waiting for,” State Member for Wollongong Paul Scully said.
“Mt Ousley Road is a key piece of infrastructure for our entire region. This major improvement is one of my priorities as Minister for the Illawarra and the South Coast and I’m thrilled it’s getting underway.
“While the priority is to get work done, we will need to balance that with the need to ensure this critical commuter freight route remains open, and disruptions are minimised where possible,” State Minister for the Illawarra and the South Coast Ryan Park said.
Works to complete the project’s detailed design will commence in early 2024. Transport for NSW and Fulton Hogan will be working closely together to ensure the community continues to be informed about the project throughout early work and the detailed design process.
Early work is due to begin in the coming months and it will include survey and geotechnical investigations, utility relocation and vegetation clearing.
Major construction activities are expected to commence in late 2024, taking about four years to complete, weather permitting.
“An estimated five million tonnes of freight travel the M1 Princes Motorway each year, as one of the main road freight corridors to and from the Illawarra-Shoalhaven region.
“The M1 Princes Motorway is the only road in and out of the Illawarra capable of handling the volume and size of traffic needed to support commuters coming to and from Greater Sydney and our growing local industry. It is the economic artery that ensures products like new cars, trucks and buses from the Port make their way to the showroom floor and BlueScope’s world class steel can find its way to market.
“The Australian and NSW Governments’ significant joint investment in this project show that we understand this is a busy and vital route for visitors to the region, locals, business and the freight industry,” Federal Member for Cunningham Alison Byrnes said.
Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; Transport for NSW (1, 2); Region Illawarra
On our previous post on the 2018-19 Budget, we listed the transport project highlights that are covered by the Budget for all States and Territories. For the second post on the 2018-19 Budget series, the main feature will be the key transport infrastructure projects for the state of New South Wales.
The Mount Ousley Interchange project has secured an additional $150 million funding from both the Australian and New South Wales Governments.
The key scope of the $390 million Mount Ousley Interchange project in New South Wales has now been confirmed, which enables the detailed design to progress.
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