Construction is now underway on the final section of the Midland Highway Upgrade – Midland Highway 10 Year Action Plan – in Tasmania.
The Midland Highway 10 Year Action Plan is a jointly funded program of works – valued at $565 million over 10 years – that will upgrade the Midland Highway to improve road safety as well as save lives on the State’s key north-south freight corridor.
“The Australian and Tasmanian Governments are jointly funding the $565 million Midland Highway 10 Year Action Plan to deliver a minimum 3-star rating for the highway and save lives.
“When complete, it will provide a safer, more efficient road for all road users,” Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said.
The final section of the Midland Highway Upgrade will run from just north of Campbell Town and extend approximately 20.8 kilometres to Epping Forest.
Preliminary works on the project have already commenced, with Fulton Hogan carrying out the works under a $42 million contract.
The Campbell Town North upgrade is going to be delivered in two sections. Section A will start at Epping Forest and continue south for about 10 kilometres towards Campbell Town while Section B will continue for 9.8 kilometres to Campbell Town.
The upgrade will include road widening, junction improvement, extending sealed shoulders, additional overtaking lanes and installation of a flexible safety barrier.
“The Campbell Town North project is one of three projects totalling 51.8 kilometres now under construction that will complete the 10-year program of upgrades.
“This puts the safety upgrade of Tasmania’s main north-south transport route on track for completion in the summer of 2024-25,” TAS Infrastructure and Transport Minister Michael Ferguson said.
Campbell Town North upgrade (source: Tasmanian Government)
The works will help improve safety along the Midland Highway by reducing the risk of head-on collisions and loss of control crashes. The upgrades also aim to achieve a minimum 3-star AusRAP safety rating for the Midland Highway.
The final section of the Midland Highway Upgrade is jointly funded by the Australian and Tasmanian Governments, each contributing $37.8 million and $16.1 million respectively.
“I’m pleased to see the partnership of the Federal and Tasmanian Governments delivering these upgrades that will improve the safety and efficiency of roads in regional Tasmania.
“I travel the Midlands Highway several times a week, so I understand the importance of these works in ensuring all motorists using the Highway make it home safely,” Federal Member for Lyons Brian Mitchell said.
In addition to the final section works, construction on two other Midland Highway upgrade projects near Oatlands and Ross also commenced earlier this year.
The Oatlands section extends from Jericho to south of York Plains and the Ross section will run between Mona Vale Road and Campbell Town.
Both the Oatlands and Ross upgrades include road widening, extending sealed shoulders and delivery of additional overtaking lanes.
Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; Premier of Tasmania – Media Releases; Tasmanian Government – Transport Services (1, 2); Infrastructure Magazine
More works will soon get underway to help improve safety and traffic flow along Tasmania’s East Coast as the Australian Government commits $100 million towards the upgrade on Tasman Highway’s Great Eastern Drive.
Upgrades to the Midway Point and Sorell causeways as well as the construction of a second McGees Bridge in Tasmania are a step closer to commencing as community consultation on the designs gets underway.
Upgrade works to the Huon Highway and Sandfly Road intersection in Tasmania will commence in the coming weeks following the award of the construction contract to local company Hazell Bros Group.
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