Final funding locked in for QLD Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline project

Monica Gameng   |   January 28, 2023
Underground pipeline (cr: Shutterstock)

Queensland’s Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline development has locked in its final funding that amounts to more than $370 million. 

With the State Government officially signing off on funding, the project can now progress towards construction that is anticipated to support over 400 good jobs in the south west regions. 

“This is fantastic news for the people of Western Queensland, with a pipeline of good, quality jobs just around the corner. 

“We know that water security is absolutely vital to these local economies, as well as the liveability of our Queensland communities. 

“Planning is already well underway and today’s funding announcement signals that major construction can kick off this year,” Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said. 

According to Minister for Water Glenn Butcher, the final funding decision is the result of a lot of hard work. 

While negotiations were being carried out, pre-construction works have been progressing, including necessary environmental as well as native title approvals. 

“The next stage of early works will include geotechnical works, final route determination, landowner engagement, and final detailed design. 

“I want to thank the Toowoomba and Southern Downs Councils for working together with us on this project that will be critical for both regions’ future water security,” Minister Butcher said. 

The significant funding will also deliver upgrades to the Wivenhoe Pump Station to increase its capacity, construction of new water treatment facilities that will service communities along the pipeline route, and installation of network monitoring to help reduce losses and improve water security for the Southern Downs region. 

Minister Butcher assures Toowoomba residents that the delivery of the project will not impact the existing water supply. 

toowoomba-to-warwick-pipeline-routeProposed pipeline route (source: Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water)

The proposed 109-kilometre pipeline will transfer raw water from just upstream of Mount Kynoch Water Treatment Plant in Toowoomba to Warwick Reservoir near Leslie Dam. Water is going to be sourced from Wivenhoe Dam via the existing Wivenhoe to Cressbrook pipeline as well as other water infrastructure owned by the Toowoomba Regional Council. 

The new pipeline presents an opportunity to deliver treated water to the Cambooya, Greenmount, Nobby and Clifton communities in the Toowoomba region. 

The Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline also provides a drought contingency for Southern Downs Regional Council residents. 

“Seqwater has delivered detailed designs for the pipeline and is continuing to work with stakeholders in preparing to move into the pre-construction phase of the pipeline, with scheduled construction completion and commissioning now expected by early 2027,” Minister Butcher said. 

Previously, the Queensland Government announced a $19.34 million funding for the Southern Downs Drought Resilience Package that was designed to help increase local water availability and improve Southern Down’s drought resilience. 

This package includes measures such as the installation of new pumps at Leslie Dam to allow for accessing previously ‘dead water’ or water below the level that existing pumps could not reach. Other works included in the package are investigative works into the Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline, commissioning of groundwater bores, and upgrades to water treatment systems. 

Source: Queensland Government – Media Statements; Queensland Government – Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (1, 2); Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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