Expressions of Interest open for Albany Entertainment Centre upgrade

Monica Gameng   |   November 2, 2024
Albany Entertainment Centre (cr: Government of Western Australia)

The Western Australian Government is progressing the next stage of repair works to the iconic Albany Entertainment Centre as it opens Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for a builder to undertake the project. 

This EOI is the first step in the main tender process for repair works that includes replacing the roof and cladding of the building and the installation of additional water and power services to allow for future maintenance. 

The EOI will close on 19 November 2024 and the main tender process will begin in mid-January next year. 

Major repair works are scheduled to commence in mid-2025 following the award of the contract. 

“The Albany Entertainment Centre is a much-loved local landmark and it is fantastic to see that the Cook Government is funding works to ensure it can continue to stay open and operate. 

“I have been to many great shows and performances at the Albany Entertainment Centre and these works will ensure that everyone can continue to enjoy cultural performances at the venue for years to come,” Albany MLA Rebecca Stephens said. 

Meanwhile, local Aboriginal company Colab Construction was appointed earlier this year to complete urgent remediation works to the roof and facade of the Albany Entertainment Centre, which was damaged due to the harsh ocean-front environment. 

These repair works, alongside the major tender works, are part of a $20 million investment to upgrade the Great Southern’s stunning entertainment facility. 

This upgrade is funded by the Western Australian Government’s Asset Maintenance Fund. 

“These important works will ensure that the iconic Albany Entertainment Centre remains open for many years to come. 

“Our Government has committed funding to ensure the longevity of this stunning building that has become the heart of the harbour. 

“Culture and arts venues are a vital part of our regional communities and the Albany Entertainment Centre is the much-loved focal point of the region’s performing arts. 

“The building restoration and improvements reflect our commitment to keeping this important community venue open and available to the people of the Great Southern,” Culture and Arts Minister David Templeman said. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Government of Western Australia – Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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