A $122.7 million upgrade on Western Australia’s Geraldton Health Campus is a step closer to becoming a reality as Expressions of Interest for the main construction works is released to market.
The tender will cover the construction of the Geraldton Health Campus as well as the development of an integrated Mid-West mental health service.
“Today’s opening of the Expressions of Interest for the Geraldton Health Campus is a milestone in this major project for the Mid-West.
“This will be the single biggest investment in Geraldton Hospital since the Gallop Government redeveloped the hospital in the early 2000s.
“This significant project will make a very real difference to healthcare for Western Australians living in the Mid-West,” Health Minister Amber-Jane Sanderson said.
Applications for the tender will close on 20 January 2023. For those interested, more information on the Expressions of Interest process for this project is available on the Tenders WA website.
The proposed scope of works for this multi-million-dollar project include:
“The Expression of Interest stage is an exciting milestone for the local community with the redevelopment well underway.
“It will provide a boost to the local economy during the construction phase and support local jobs.
“I know the people of Geraldton and the Mid-West will be very happy to see this project moving forward, and closer to completion.
“This project was a significant election commitment for the region and ensures we strengthen quality health care for the Mid-West region,” Geraldton MLA Lara Dalton said.
In addition to a new building, the project will also deliver refurbishment works on existing infrastructure.
Preparation for major redevelopment works has already been completed and this includes a new car park, changes to the hospital’s main entrance as well as an emergency department vehicle entry.
“The $122.7 million Geraldton Health Campus project will expand critical care services in the region, and support local jobs and the economy through the construction works.
“The managing contractor model will facilitate the delivery of the next stage of this important project within specified timeframes and offer value for money for the State,” Finance Minister Tony Buti said.
Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Government of Western Australia – WA Country Health Service (1, 2)
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