Expressions of Interest for the design and construction of the $175 million Albany Ring Road in Western Australia has been released to market, with major construction works anticipated to commence in late-2020 - subject to the granting of necessary environmental and heritage approvals.
The Albany Ring Road is being delivered in three stages, with the first stage - between Chester Pass Road and Albany Highway on Menang Drive - completed in 2007. The next two stages of the project will deliver an 11.5 kilometre road from Albany Highway to Princess Royal Drive.
“Our commitment to now progress stages two and three of this project - from Albany Highway to Princess Royal Drive - will help to relieve pressure on Albany’s existing road network, separating local traffic from regional and heavy vehicles, which will in turn support economic activity,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said.
The alignment of the Albany Ring Road will run parallel to east of Link Road and north of the freight rail line as well as Lower Denmark Road with connections to:
Project Map (source: Main Roads WA)
Once completed, the Albany Ring Road will be able to provide a more efficient and safer route for heavy vehicles that will access the port, which will support the Great Southern Region’s growing economy and future developments.
“Albany Ring Road will provide employment and business opportunities for local workers and businesses in Albany and the Great Southern Region.
“As with all transport infrastructure projects we will also be actively seeking opportunities for both Aboriginal employment and engagement of Aboriginal businesses,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said.
The Albany Ring Road is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian Governments, each contributing $140 million and $35 million respectively.
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A new major milestone has been reached on the $175 million Albany Ring Road in Western Australia as the Western Australian Government names Decmil Group Limited as the preferred contractor to deliver the project.
Western Australia’s $175 million Albany Ring Road project has officially commenced construction and will be creating up to 1,000 local jobs as well as flow-on economic benefits to the State’s south west region.
A preferred route has been chosen by the Western Australian Government for the Bunbury Outer Ring Road (BORR) southern alignment, taking the project one step closer to construction. With the preferred route set, further project planning and design will go underway before it is referred to the Federal and State environmental regulators for approval.
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