EOIs open for $60m Hoddle Street upgrade in VIC

PlantMiner   |   June 1, 2016

Expressions of interest are now open for the design contract on the state-funded $60m Steamlining Hoddle Street project in Melbourne. 

Every day, about 130,000 people journey along the busiest part of Hoddle Street and the upgrade will help create a safer and more efficient journey for travellers. 

The first stage of the project will include upgrades to four key intersections along Hoddle Street:

  • Swan Street
  • Brunton Avenue
  • Johnston Street
  • Eastern Freeway

Swan Street and Punt Road intersections will adopt continuous flow intersections. The Swan Street intersection is an ideal place to trial the continuous flow concept because of the complex interactions between trams, cars, buses, cyclists and pedestrians. The design will also help to manage the large number of cars trying to make right turns. 

EOI's for design consultants closes on 8 June 2016 - so get your proposals together ASAP!

EOI's for the construct contract will open later in 2016 and will be awarded in early 2017, so stay tuned to hear any announcements. 

Construction will begin at Swan Street in mid-2017 and completion of the full intersection upgrades in expected in mid-2019. 

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Source: Urbanalyst, Vic Roads

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