The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads is seeking to enter into an Early Contractor Involvement procurement process for the $400 million Ipswich Motorway – Rocklea to Darra Stage 1 project. In an annoucemenet last week, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk released the invitations to industry to bid for the work on one of South East Queensland's most significant road projects.
The department is planning to upgrade the eastern end of the Ipswich Motorway between Rocklea and Darra in a staged approach, addressing congestion and delivering value for money on one of Queensland’s major motorways. Stage 1 is a 3km section of the Ipswich Motorway from Granard Road, Rocklea to Oxley Road, Oxley.
This is the next most critical section of the remaining 7kms of the Ipswich Motorway still to be upgraded.
Stage 1 includes:
During constructoin, 470 jobs should be created, and a knock-on effect to help out local businesses.
The project is funded on a 50:50 basis under the Infrastructure Investment Program with the Australian Government contributing $200 million and the Queensland Government contributing $200 million.
Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports Minister Mark Bailey said Stage 1 had drawn strong interest from the construction industry.
“Industry has a keen eye on the project which ensures there will be healthy competition between proponents,” Mr Bailey said.
“We’re asking for innovation and capability from industry to make certain we get a solution that serves road users and delivers value for money.
“The contract to design and construct Stage 1 of the Ipswich Motorway Upgrade: Rocklea to Darra project will be awarded in early 2017.”
The QTender application can be accessed here.
Expressions of interest for Stage 1 will close on June 17, 2016.
Major construction is scheduled to start in 2017, weather permitting.
For ongoing updates on the Ipswich Motorway Upgrade subscribe to Felix Project News.
A new milestone has been reached for the $400 million Ipswich Motorway Upgrade from Rocklea to Darra Stage 1, with the contract to deliver the project awarded to Brisbane-based Bielby Hull Albem Joint Venture.
Queensland’s first Market-Led Proposal — the $512 million Logan Motorway Enhancement Project put forward by Transurban Queensland — has been approved by the Queensland Treasury’s Market-Led Proposal process, and CPB Contractors named the preferred contractor.
In late February, Infrastructure Australia released its annual Infrastructure Priority List and this year’s list highlights $58 billion worth of nationally significant projects. The 2020 Infrastructure Priority List contains six high priority projects, 17 priority projects, 36 high priority initiatives and 88 priority initiatives as well as 37 new infrastructure proposals.
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