EOIs called for construction of $565m Mackay Ring Road - Stage 1 in QLD

Monica Gameng   |   November 17, 2016

A major milestone has been reached for the $565 million Mackay Ring Road – Stage 1 with Expressions of Interest (EOI) being called for the construction tender. According to Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester, the construction of the Mackay Ring Road is part of the Australian Government’s commitment to fixing the Bruce Highway.

“The record investment in the Bruce Highway is already saving lives and improving travel times. The Australian and Queensland governments are working together to deliver an $8.5 billion package of works on this key national freight route,” Mr Chester said.

Mr Chester stated that this project is expected to support an average of 600 jobs as well as help improve travel times between Brisbane and Cairns. The project will also improve driving conditions for local motorists.

According to Queensland Minister for Main Roads and Road Safety Mark Bailey, the Mackay Ring Road upgrade is the largest project undertaken by the State Government in the Mackay/Whitsunday region.

“It is a huge project totalling 11.3km in length. It includes the construction of 13 bridges including overpasses, dual lane roundabouts at each end, and a new river crossing over the Pioneer River with a 100-year flood immunity.

“The detailed design phase for the project is nearing completion and should be finalised by the end of 2016,” Mr Bailey said.

mrrpstage1overview.jpgSource: QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads

Federal Member for Dawson George Christensen said that the project will include a bypass of the urban area in Mackay. Mr Christensen also said that this project will not only save people time, it will return Mackay’s local roads to residents as well, making it safer for everyone.

“The first stage of the Mackay Ring Road project will bypass 10 sets of traffic lights, which will be a real reduction in travel times in the Bruce Highway. This is a great outcome for local businesses reliant on good transport links for exporting goods,” said Mr Christensen.

Jim Pearce, Member for Mirani, said that early works have already begun and it includes the relocation of services, earthworks and realignment of local roads in order to make room for the Ring Road.

“Major construction on this project is set to start by mid-2017, and I’m looking forward to seeing its completion by early 2020, weather permitting,” Mr Pearce said.

According to Julieanne Gilbert, Member for Mackay, the Queensland and Australian Governments are moving forward with delivering this project which will also deliver jobs for the region.

“Not only in the project supporting more than 600 jobs, it will also boost local industry by allowing greater access to the Mackay port,” Ms Gilbert said.

Watch this space for the latest updates on this project by subscribing to Felix Project News today.

Source: Queensland Government

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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