Another milestone has been set for the $200 million Capricornia Correction Centre expansion near Rockhampton, with Expressions of Interests called for a managing contractor to oversee the work on the project.
“There are many communities in Queensland that have lobbied really hard to have a corrections centre built locally because they know it provides a big economic boost in the form of additional wages.
“Local companies will benefit through supply contracts,” said Member for Rockhampton Bill Byrne.
With construction due to begin towards the end of 2017, Member for Keppel Brittany Lauga said that the jobs boost is welcome news for families in Rockhampton.
“This project will deliver over 100 jobs to the central Queensland region during the construction phase.
“But even better, the expansion of the prison will mean more than 70 new ongoing jobs after it is commissioned, not to mention added benefits for local businesses that will help keep the prison running, including for food and other service providers,” Mrs Lauga said.
According to Member for Mirani Jim Pearce, those who are submitting applications to the EOI process for the project will have to show their commitment to employing local workers.
“It’s great to see meaningful infrastructure being built in this region, and it’s even better knowing that this is going to mean jobs for locals.
“As part of the Expression of Interest process, tenderers will have to show their track record of employing locals on projects, and how they will engage with local workers on this project,” Mr Pearce said.
Acting Minister for Housing and Public Works and Minister Assisting the Premier on North Queensland Coralee O’Rourke said that the scope of works will include prison car park expansion as well as upgrade works to the prison’s waste water, mechanical services and electronic security systems.
“This is a big project and we’re looking for a managing contractor that can provide detail on their approach to employing and providing training opportunities for local workers.
“Once the EOIs have been assessed, a shortlist of companies will be invited to submit formal tenders for construction, with work starting before the end of the year,” Mrs O’Rourke said.
Submission of application for EOIs will close on 27th April 2017.
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Source: Queensland Government
Monadelphous Group Limited has announced that it has been awarded a $200 million contract by Albemarle for works associated with the expansion of the Kemerton lithium hydroxide plant in Western Australia.
A new four-bay aircraft hangar is now under construction in northern Adelaide, adjacent the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Edinburgh Base.
The Queensland Government is staying committed to improving health care services in the State with a tender awarded for the delivery of the Cairns Hospital Expansion project.
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