EOIs and tenders released for three key SA regional road projects

Monica Gameng   |   July 24, 2019

Tenders and Expressions of Interest (EOIs) have been released for three key regional road projects - with a total value of more than $300 million - that will continue building regional South Australia.

The three projects jointly funded by the Australian and South Australian Governments include the Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication; the Port Wakefield Overpass and Highway Duplication; and the Penola Northern Bypass Project.

“We will now see shovels in the ground from next year as we build these important regional road projects.

“These regional road projects will make country roads safer, build regional communities and unlock economic potential in the regions,” Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government Stephan Knoll said.

The $200 million Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication project will involve:

  • Duplicating the existing two-lane bridge
  • Widening of approach roads to allow a two-lane traffic in both directions between Mackay Street on the bridge’s south and Burgoryne Street on the bridge’s north

1551053035-overViewCam_still_v005Source: SA Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure

This bridge is a vital link to the National Land Transport Network at Port Augusta and duplicating it will improve safety, efficiency, freight productivity as well as the resilience of this road link. The new bridge will also help address current bridge speed restrictions and improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists passing through it.

On the other hand, the $90 million Port Wakefield Overpass and Highway Duplication project will feature:

  • Two lanes in each direction through the Port Wakefield Township with provisions for safe U-turn movements
  • A realigned dual carriageway through the township which will allow increased parking and landscaping opportunities and make it safer for motorists and pedestrians
  • A realigned Balaklava Road intersection with the Port Wakefield Highway to allow for safer turns
  • A new two-lane overpass for vehicles travelling south from the Copper Coast Highway to Port Wakefield and for those travelling along the Augusta Highway to the Copper Coast Highway

Port_Wakefield_Duplication_EditV1Source: SA Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure

The new overpass will get rid of the dangerous at-grade turns at the intersection of the Port Wakefield Highway, Copper Coast Highway and Augusta Highway.

Once this project is completed, motorists and locals will be able to see improved traffic flow and less congestion as well as improved safety and freight productivity on the National Land Transport Network.

Two shortlisted builders are expected to be invited to submit an offer by September 2019 as part of the next stage of the procurement phase of the Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication and Port Wakefield Overpass and Highway Duplication projects.

Construction on both projects are set to commence in 2020 and are due for completion by 2022.

Lastly, the $14.6 million Penola Northern Bypass Project will include:

  • Construction of a new 2.2-kilometre undivided, sealed rural arterial road with sealed shoulders
  • Construction of a T-junction at the Riddoch Highway (Church Street) where the new bypass will connect to the highway north of the Penola Township
  • Upgrading the junction at the Penola Bypass and the Robe to Clay Wells Road to a staggered T-junction
  • Realignment of the Riddoch Highway (Church Street) T-junction with the existing Southern Bypass south of the Penola township to make the bypass the through road
  • Road LED lighting at the three junctions and drainage infrastructure

Penola_BypassSource: SA Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure

The contract for the delivery of the Penola Northern Bypass Project is anticipated to be awarded by late 2019.

“Each of these projects will boost safety and deliver travel time savings for everyday South Australians and the tourists that visit the state’s beautiful attractions.

“The Joy Baluch AM Bridge duplication and the Penola Northern Bypass projects in particular will have a positive impact on freight productivity,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said.

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Source: Premier of South Australia; SA Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (1, 2, 3); Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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