Entirely new wall proposed to be built at Paradise Dam

Monica Gameng   |   January 15, 2024
Paradise Dam (cr: Sunwater)

An entirely new wall is being proposed to be built at Paradise Dam after expert recommendations say the existing wall has too many issues to be repaired or reinforced. 

Sunwater has undertaken a program of intensive testing on the existing wall – as part of the detailed business case – and identified three unexpected new issues that affect the long-term strength and quality of Paradise Dam’s concrete. 

“Paradise Dam’s safety was ensured following the lowering of its walls, ensuring safe operations for many years to come. 

“However, the concrete quality of the dam means it cannot be repaired to last the many decades we expect from these assets. 

“No one is more committed to providing water security for the Bundaberg region than Sunwater,” Sunwater CEO Glenn Stockton said. 

The new issues are swelling clay, cement leaching and carbonation, which are all unprecedented as dams are usually not tested for long-term strength loss and considering Paradise Dam is only 18 years old, it should not be experiencing such issues. 

Sunwater is progressing a detailed business case for the new wall for Paradise Dam, with timeframes and project costs to be confirmed through this process. 

In addition, CPB Contractors and Georgiou Group have been appointed as construction partners and GHD as the ongoing design partner for the project. The appointment of the delivery partners will ensure design and construction challenges are considered and addressed early. 

“This is a significant milestone in our efforts to restore Paradise Dam to its original capacity. It is a win for the Bundaberg region and will be a major benefit for agricultural producers. A new wall will ensure the dam is a lifelong asset and will deliver for an even longer term than promised by the repair. 

“The Queensland Government will always listen to the experts and the expert advice tells us we cannot repair the existing dam wall. 

“Reliable water supply is critical to jobs, growth and liveability in regional Queensland. That is why we remain committed to restoring the full water supply for the people and industries of the region. 

“We are not going to lose a minute, with Sunwater appointing its construction partner and early works at the site continuing full steam ahead to ensure the new dam wall can proceed as quickly as possible, once all approvals have been obtained,” Minister for Water Glenn Butcher said. 

Sunwater will also be undertaking a separate detailed business case to expand the irrigation network within the Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme, building on previous investigations to understand water distribution constraints. The expansion was a key recommendation from the draft Bundaberg Burnett Regional Water Assessment.

While Sunwater is working on the detailed business case for the new Paradise Dam wall and water supply scheme, the dam will remain at its current lower supply level to ensure the existing dam’s safety. In addition to the detailed business case, new environmental approvals will also be sought for the new wall. 

The Queensland Government is committed to restoring full water supply to the region through the Paradise Dam Improvement Project, which initially involves carrying out significant safety improvement works to return the dam to its original height. 

“The Miles Government is drawing a line in the sand. Making sure that we deliver on our commitment to restore the water supply in full. While eliminating any doubt for safety and water security of Bundaberg. 

“My commitment has always been to restore the water supply and to keep people safe. Today, I join Minister Butcher in keeping that commitment to the whole of the region. 

“The evidence is clear, but so is the way forward. A new wall across the Burnett River will deliver a new strength for the agricultural and horticultural productivity of this region,” Member for Bundaberg Tom Smith said. 

Source: Queensland Government – Media Statements; Sunwater (1, 2

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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