Employee of the Month: September

Sara Williams   |   October 7, 2015

We're building a company people love, and so we invest in our team members. As of September 2015, we've grown to 112 specialists in business development, procurement, tenders, tech, customer service, HR and marketing. As we build and specialise, winning employee of the month is no easy task! 

PlantMiner would like to congratulate Oliver Doessell and Normilyn Domingo for taking out employees of the month for September 2015!

Oliver Doessell

Client Manager for Victoria

Ollie has put in 110% effort in the last quarter, and his “roll up your sleeves” attitude has achieved some great results for Victorian suppliers searching for a business solution. With unprecedented levels of activity for PlantMiner suppliers, Ollie was a stand out from our Client Management team. 

In fact, his constant positivity is a testament to his success and ability to exceed targets.

Already winning three prizes for the month, Congratulations Ollie for also nabbing September's employee of the month. 


Normilyn Domingo

Data Entry Clerk

Normilyn is a great team player whose reliability and attention to detail in her work continues to shine. Normilyn consistently demonstrates an excellent focus towards PlantMiner suppliers and employees through quick response times and providing accurate information.

Normilyn’s great work ethic and attitude has earnt her  PlantMiner’s employee of the month for September! Congratulations and keep up the great work!

Join our team!

If you'd like to learn more about joining the PlantMiner team, please get in touch by contacting hr@plantminer.com.au, or by checking our careers page at www.plantminer.com.au/careers

Sara Williams
As Human Resources Manager, Sara Williams has been an integral part of the Felix team since March 2014. Her enthusiasm to promote company values has greatly contributed to the rapid growth of Felix’s workforce and Sara’s name is now synonymous with Friday afternoon activities such as ‘Fajita Friday’, ‘Football Friday’ and ‘Friday First To The Bar’. Sara’s goal is simple: to make Felix number one under BRW’s Best Places to Work.

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