8 signs that would make you look twice

Gina Theron   |   May 24, 2016

Looking for a good laugh? Sometimes all you have to do is hit the road to see some hilarious VMS boards, traffic control signs, parking restrictions and more. We've put together a list of a few of our favourites!

1. 5am onsite starts can lead to an interesting sense of humor 


 2. When you've asked a few too many times...


 3. Sometimes it's ok to break the rules


4. Don't you hate being stuck in traffic with no idea what's up ahead.... at least this way you know what to expect


5. Thank you for that detailed explanation! 


6. Setting you up for failure...


7. Sometimes it's hard to see the benefits of the end result...


8. When you feel like you're out of options...


At PlantMiner we believe in the importance of signs, regulations and onsite safety. Although these signs might have missed the mark we've created a free risk assessment checklist to help ensure you cover all your bases on site. Need to manage activity on, off and around your construction site? Hire a VMS board or traffic control equipment through PlantMiner. 

Gina Theron
Gina is a Marketing Coordinator at Felix. She is a business and engineering student, and relishes working for one of Australia's greatest mining and construction disrupters. Harsh critic of tomatoes and spiders that surprise her.

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