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Dredging works get underway at Lumsden Point project in the Pilbara

Written by Monica Gameng | Oct 6, 2024 12:30:00 AM

The development of Lumsden Point in the Port of Port Hedland in Western Australia is progressing well with dredging now underway to remove about one million cubic metres of material over the next eight weeks. 

Dredging works will create a deeper access channel, swing basin and berth pockets to ensure vessels can safely and efficiently berth at the new Lumsden Point facility. 

Jan De Nul (Australia) Pty Ltd was awarded the contract to undertake the vital dredging and land reclamation works earlier this year. 

“Lumsden Point is a key investment in the Pilbara’s future, enhancing our ability to support economic growth and strengthen the region’s global significance. 

“The port expansion will solidify the Pilbara’s role as a driving force in the green energy transition, unlocking new trade pathways and creating hundreds of local jobs that will directly benefit our communities,” State Member for Pilbara Kevin Michel said. 

Extensive preparatory works have been completed and the JFJ De Nul cutter suction dredge arrived in Port Hedland earlier this week. 

As part of dredging activities, environmental monitoring will be carried out to minimise the risk of impact to surrounding habitats. 

Material produced from dredging will be disposed of at a designated reclamation area within Lumsden Point in accordance with an approved Environmental Management Plan. 

Once development is completed, Lumsden Point will facilitate the export of battery metals such as lithium and copper, the import of renewable energy infrastructure like turbines and blades while also supporting the growth of direct shipping services to the Pilbara. 

“The Australian Government’s investment in the Lumsden Point expansion helps position Northern Australia to take advantage of the economic opportunities this project will provide as demand grows locally and overseas for clean energy sources. 

“This project, which I’m pleased to see is underway, will drive both employment and economic growth while delivering lasting infrastructure that will continue to benefit the region well into the future,” Senator for Western Australia Glenn Sterle said. 

The Australian Government is investing $565 million towards works to upgrade common user port infrastructure in the Pilbara, including $450 million that enables the development on new multi-user facilities and berths at Lumsden Point. 

This is in partnership with the Western Australian Government, which is committing 496.6 million to the project. 

Meanwhile, $65 million is being contributed towards dredging costs by BHP, Fortescue, Roy Hill and the Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd/Mineral Resources Ltd Joint Venture. 

“The Australian Government is delivering $565 million in common user port upgrades in the Pilbara to help unlock trade and investment opportunities and support a future made in Australia. 

“This project is all about investment in quality infrastructure which encourages and supports opportunities for local businesses and communities. 

“We will continue to partner with the Western Australian Government to ensure that this vital infrastructure progresses,” Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King said. 

Once operational, Lumsden Point is estimated to add $22.6 billion in Gross Domestic Product and generate an additional 6,204 full-time equivalent jobs across Australia to 2032-33. 

During the construction of Lumsden Point, an average of 3,600 full-time jobs will be created annually over the life of the project. 

“It’s fantastic to see the progress being made at Lumsden Point. 

“The commencement of the dredging and reclamation works represents a significant milestone in the project’s advancement which will help diversify trade in the Pilbara. 

“Upon completion, Lumsden Point is expected to boost Australia’s Gross Domestic Product by $2.1 billion per annum 

“It is expected to save 3.6 million tonnes of emissions by 2055 by supporting direct shipping to the Pilbara and providing a pathway for renewable energy infrastructure,” WA Minister for Ports David Michael said. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; Pilbara Ports (1, 2, 3