DownerMouchel, a joint venture between Downer EDI Limited and Mouchel, has been given a $3.5 million contract to upgrade a 10 kilometre section of the Victorian Highway, west of Kununurra in WA.
The project includes works to widen the existing seven metre seal to nine metres, culvert widening and installation of audible edge lines.
DownerMouchel is part of Main Roads' Integrated Services Agreements that provide operational asset management, network operations, minor capital improvements and maintenance services as required on the State's road network.
Western Australia Transport Minister Dean Nalder said the project should boost efficiency for North-West road users.
"The widened road will improve safety and reduce maintenance costs as a result of less edge wear to the road," Mr Nalder said.
The upgrade will be managed by Main Roads Kimberley Region and finish by November 2016.
Victoria Highway road works - Images courtesy of WA Govt.
Funding is provided through the Road Trauma Trust Account Regional Run-Off Road Crashes Program.
If you'd like to hear more about contract awards in Western Australia, make sure to join PlantMiner's weekly industry blog newsletter.
Source: WA Govt - Minister for Transport
BMD Constructions has this week been awarded the contract to duplicate the Princes Highway between Armytage and Warncoort, providing approximately 15 kilometres of dual divided highway with a wide median and 3.5 metre shoulder. The works form part of the second section of the $363 million Princes Highway duplication from Winchelsea to Colac.
The Barnett Government has had a significant victory over the group leading the fight against Roe 8. The WA Supreme Court of Appeal has ruled the environmental approvals for Roe 8 should stand, overturning a previous court win for protest group Save Beeliar Wetlands.
Work on the $86 million Ravenswood Interchange is set to start in May, with CPB Contractors announced by the Australian and Victorian Government to build the project. The Ravenswood Interchange contract was awarded by VIC Roads late last week for a contract sum of $47m, and should see CPB construct the grade separated intersection for Calder Highway and Calder Highway Alternative Highway, Ravenswood and associated works.
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