Downer wins contract to upgrade VIC Warrnambool and Geelong lines

Monica Gameng   |   January 27, 2020

Major construction on Victoria’s Warrnambool Line and Geelong Line upgrades is anticipated to commence by mid-2020 with the design and construction contract to deliver major components for the projects awarded to Downer.

“Our committed team of experts will deliver an integrated solution, future-proofed to minimise rework and maximise opportunities for passengers and the community,” Downer Executive General Manager - Transport Projects Mark Mackay said.

The $114 million Warrnambool Line upgrade will include:

  • Construction of a new crossing loop
  • Signalling upgrades between Waurn Ponds and Warrnambool
  • Level crossing upgrades

On the other hand, the $160 million Geelong Line upgrade will include:

  • Upgrading Waurn Ponds Station with a second platform, pedestrian overpass and extra car parking
  • An additional track at Waurn Ponds Station
  • Armstrong Creek transit corridor planning to consider future land use, environmental issues and development, and population plans
  • Planning and development for the Waurn Ponds Duplication Project

Downer’s contract will also include the delivery of a stabling facility at Waurn Ponds, subject to relevant approvals.

In addition, construction has commenced on the upgrades to the Warrnambool Line level crossings - located along the line from Hunts Road in Moriac to Station Road in Garvoc - and works will include the installation of boom gates, bells, flashing lights as well as an improved train detection technology. These works are being delivered by V/Line.

Warrnambool-Line-Level-Crossing-Upgrades-v5-01Source: Regional Rail Revival

Upgrades to the Warrnambool Line level crossings are due to be completed by mid-2020 and construction on both lines expected to be completed by late 2021.

Once the upgrades are completed, commuters will be able to have more frequent and reliable train services on the State’s busiest regional rail line.

The Warrnambool Line and Geelong Line upgrades are part of the $1.75 billion Regional Rail Revival program and the projects are being delivered by Rail Projects Victoria (RPV) on behalf of the Victorian Government.

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Source: Regional Rail Revival (1, 2, 3, 4); Downer Group

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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