Downer to deliver $100m upgrade on Loganholme wastewater facility QLD

Monica Gameng   |   February 21, 2021
Loganholme Wastewater Treatment Plant (cr: Downer)

A range of upgrade works – with a combined value of approximately $100 million – is now underway at the Loganholme Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Queensland and Downer has been appointed to undertake the works. 

The upgrade will include the construction of a new permanent biosolids gasification facility, which is the first of its kind in Australia. 

Relocation of underground services has already commenced ahead of the demolition of the existing biosolids (sewage sludge) dewatering building, which is where the permanent biosolids gasification facility is set to be built. 

The construction of the $27 million permanent facility follows the successful trial conducted in 2020. The new facility will transform sewage sludge into renewable energy and biochar – a safe, environmentally friendly product – once it is up and running by mid-2022. 

In March, construction will commence on a 1,000kW solar array that will help in power treatment operations as well as reduce the local council's carbon footprint. This $3.6 million project will include about 3,000 solar panels that will cover up to 3,700m2 . 

Other works include a $6 million makeover of an old wastewater lift station (pump station), which involves replacing old pumps, valves and pipework to improve the management of incoming wastewater flows and enhance operator safety. 

Later this year, upgrades to the WWTP's main treatment process are expected to get underway. This project is estimated to cost $69 million and it will involve the construction of a modern membrane bioreactor treatment facility. 

Upgrading the membrane bioreactor technology will increase the plant's treatment capacity from 45 million litres a day to 67 million litres a day – equivalent to 100,000 more people – to accommodate the future growth in population. 

“I was on-site recently at Loganholme and met several key team members who will be involved in the delivery of these projects over the next two years. It was pleasing to see that the team are ready to kick off with the solar array and biosolids gasification project shortly,” Downer's Water Services South General Manager Chris Yeats said. 

The entire project will be providing employment opportunities for the local community as well as save up to $27 million in operational costs over two decades. 

The approximately $100 million upgrade is being delivered by the Logan Water Partnership which is comprised of Downer, WSP Australia and Cardno. 

Together with Logan Water, the partnership is set to deliver up to $1 billion worth of water and wastewater infrastructure over the next nine years across the City of Logan. 

Source: Downer Group; Inside Local Government; Utility Magazine; Jimboomba Times 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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