Downer and Senvion to begin construction on Murra Warra Wind Farm in VIC

1 min read
Monica Gameng   |   March 14, 2018

Construction is set to commence on Stage One of the 429MW Murra Warra Wind Farm in Victoria as partners, Downer and Senvion, received a Notice to Proceed from developers RES Australia and Macquarie Capital.

Downer and Senvion will deliver electrical, procurement and construction works for this project, with early works already underway.

“We’re very pleased to partner with Senvion and our customer to build Stage One of the Murra Warra Wind Farm. This project will see a number of benefits for the local community and make an important contribution to renewable energy sources,” Downer General Manager Pre-contracts, Renewables Bart Simes said.

The Murra Warra Wind Farm is located approximately 25 kilometres north of Horsham in North Western Victoria. The project is going to be delivered in two stages, with the first stage expected to commence construction in early 2018.

MurraWarraA1_20160422.jpgProject layout (source: Murra Warra Wind Farm)

Stage One of the project will comprise of 61 turbines which are going to be erected in the south west of the site. The 61 turbines will generate approximately 226MW of renewable energy that is enough to power 220,000 Victorian homes annually.

The entire Murra Warra Wind Farm will have up to 116 turbines once it is completed and it will also have a new terminal station that will enable the power generated to be exported into the National Energy Market through the Western Victoria 220kV network. The new terminal station is going to be owned, built and operated AusNet.

This project is expected to support up to 150 jobs during construction and more jobs will be generated for the greater community once the wind farm is fully operational in mid-2019.

Watch this space for the latest updates on the Murra Warra Wind Farm as well as other renewable energy, mining and construction project news by subscribing to Felix Project News today.

Source: Downer Group, Murra Warra Wind Farm

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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