Development approval given to the State-owned Tarong West Wind Farm project

Monica Gameng   |   August 11, 2024

The Queensland Government has approved a development application made through the State Assessment Referral Agency (SARA) for the Tarong West Wind Farm. 

Publicly owned Stanwell will be working with global renewable energy developer RES to deliver the 436.5MW wind farm located about 30 kilometres south-west of Kingaroy, in the South Burnett region. 

Tarong West Wind Farm will feature 97 wind turbines that will have the capacity to produce enough clean energy to power up to 230,000 homes. 

This renewable energy project is estimated to create about 200 jobs during its construction and a further 15 ongoing operational jobs, providing significant opportunities for local jobs and the economy. 

The project will also aid the State Government to reach its target of producing 70 per cent renewable energy by 2032, and 80 per cent by 2035 as part of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan. 

“Tarong West Wind Farm is a critical part of not only Stanwell’s plan to decarbonise our existing portfolio, but it’s critical to Queensland reaching its renewable energy targets. 

“This development approval brings us one step closer to our aim of having 9 to 10 GW of large-scale wind and solar capacity by 2035 and we are continuing to work with RES through the approval processes so we can bring this project to life. 

“The 436.5MW wind farm will not only provide enough clean energy into the network to power the equivalent of 230,000 homes, it will also bring significant regional benefits to the community and also provide future career opportunities for our people,” Stanwell CEO Michael O’Rourke said. 

tarong-west-wind-farm-layoutTarong West Wind Farm project layout (source: RES)

Furthermore, the wind farm is backed by a $776.1 million investment from the Queensland Government’s Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Jobs Fund and is underpinned by the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan objectives of fostering economic growth while promoting local employment and supporting regional communities. 

Project assessment also considered an accommodation strategy for workers to ensure housing supply in the region will not be adversely affected. 

In addition, SARA has worked closely with the Department of Resources to ensure that the development of the Tarong West Wind Farm will protect important areas of ecological significance – including the protection of about 13.47 hectares of koala habitat. 

Conditions have been imposed as well to offset impacts for up to 5.4 hectares of koala habitat in addition to requirements to rehabilitate areas cleared during the construction of the wind farm, to the greatest extent possible. 

Construction on the Tarong West Wind Farm project is anticipated to commence by 2025. 

“This project is about more than generating clean energy, it’s about job security for the local workforce. 

“Building this major energy infrastructure creates about 200 construction jobs, delivers a financial boost to the region and long-term operations and maintenance roles,” Minister for Energy and Clean Economy Jobs Mick de Brenni said. 

The proposed scope of works for the Tarong West Wind Farm project include: 

  • Up to 97 wind turbines, each up to 280 metres in height, with associated hardstanding areas and access roads 
  • Operations and maintenance building with car parking 
  • Electrical substations 
  • Overhead and underground electrical cable reticulation 
  • Meteorological masts for measuring wind speed and other climatic conditions 
  • Temporary construction facilities including a construction compound, borrow pit and concrete batching plant facilities 
  • Containerised battery energy storage system 

Source: Queensland Government – Media Statements; RES – Tarong West Wind Farm (1, 2); Renew Economy; Renewables Now 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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