Designs released for the Inland Rail Euroa railway station precinct

Monica Gameng   |   November 21, 2023
Euroa railway station precinct (cr: Inland Rail)

The development of Inland Rail in Victoria continues to progress with the release of designs for the Euroa railway station precinct. 

Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) Inland Rail is also seeking feedback from the community on the new open, accessible and functional station precinct. 

The Inland Rail team will be conducting a month-long community consultation period where they will gather feedback on the precinct’s proposed layout, look, feel and interface with surrounding areas. 

In addition, feedback will also be sought on how to acknowledge the history and options to repurpose components of the Euroa goods shed, which is required to be removed due to conflicts with the proposed infrastructure for the new station and it is a risk to public safety. 

Feedback gathered during the consultation period will be incorporated into the project and the community will be kept up to date on how their feedback influenced the final design. 

“It’s clear the Euroa community is passionate about how Inland Rail is delivered and their vision for the project is reflected in the latest design of the railway station precinct. 

“We thank the community for the feedback on the Anderson Street solution and we’re pleased to advise we will proceed with the vehicle underpass. 

“Residents are encouraged to have their say on these exciting new designs. We want to hear the community feedback,” Australian Rail Track Corporation Victoria and South Australia General Manager Projects Ed Walker said. 

For more information on how you can have your say on the project design, visit the Inland Rail website here. 

The proposed design for Euroa railway station precinct features a vehicle underpass that will replace Anderson Street bridge, a station forecourt opened to Railway Street, a new station platform, additional car parking spaces as well as two pedestrian underpasses that will provide access between platforms and connectivity across the precinct.

The precinct is being modified to enable double-stack freight trains to pass safely, ensuring that products are delivered faster and more reliably across Australia. 

The preferred builder for the Euroa railway station precinct is expected to be appointed in 2024 and major construction on the project will begin in 2025. 

The Euroa railway station precinct project is being delivered as part of Inland Rail in Victoria between Beveridge and Albury. This section of Inland Rail will upgrade about 262 kilometres of existing rail track between Beveridge, north of Melbourne and the Victoria-New South Wales border at Albury-Wodonga. 

The Victorian section of Inland Rail is comprised of 12 project sites along the North East rail line and will be delivered in two parts or ‘tranches’. Tranche 1 will include four sites and construction will be carried out by McConnell Dowell. Tranche 2, on the other hand, has eight sites and the projects are currently progressing reference design. 

The overall Inland Rail development will connect Melbourne and Brisbane via regional Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland with a 1,600-kilometre freight rail line. 

Source: Inland Rail (1, 2, 3); Infrastructure Magazine; Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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