The proposed design for the Yass Road, Bungendore Road and Ellerton Drive intersection in Queanbeyan East, New South Wales has been unveiled and the State Government is encouraging community members to have their say on the designs.
The proposed design includes replacing the existing roundabout with traffic lights to improve safety by better controlling traffic flow and reducing the possibility of crashes.
“The Minns Labor Government has committed $19 million from the Regional Roads Fund towards the future major upgrade of this intersection.
“This intersection of particular concern to people and that’s why along with the major upgrade work, we’ve already provided short term relief by installing the pedestrian refuge and additional right-turn lane earlier this year,” Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said.
The design of the intersection upgrade will include:
Members of the community can provide their feedback on the design by completing a survey online or by writing to the project team at before 13 April 2025.
Feedback received from this consultation period will help inform and refine the design before the project progresses to construction.
Transport for NSW will undertake utility investigations over the coming weeks, with the results to further inform the design. Workers will be in the area borehole drilling to locate existing utilities underground.
From 17 March, works will be carried out for up to four weeks between 7am and 6pm, Monday to Friday with occasional work on Saturday between 8am and 1pm. Some work will be carried out at night between 8pm and 5am from Sunday to Thursday, reducing the impacts to motorists and local businesses.
In addition, single lane closures and a reduced speed limit of 40km/h will be in place during work hours.
“The upgrade of the Ellerton Drive Bungendore Road intersection (often known as the Spotlight roundabout) was a key election promise I made in 2023. It is a complex intersection, and planning has taken some time, the release of these plans is a very important step forward.
“This is currently a bottleneck for people commuting to Canberra for work, another problem ignored by the Nationals but tackled by the Minns Labor Government.
“We are honouring our election commitment to invest more in Monaro roads, and I encourage everyone in the community to check out the proposed upgrade designs and provide feedback,” Member for Monaro Steve Whan MP said.
Source: NSW Government – Media Releases; Transport for NSW (1, 2)