Decmil secures work contract for Stage 2 of $175m Albany Ring Road WA

Monica Gameng   |   July 6, 2022
Albany Ring Road (cr: Main Roads WA)

With most of the first stage of works on the Albany Ring Road Project in Western Australia already completed, the transport infrastructure project is progressing to the next phase with the award of a $98 million construction contract to Decmil. 

Decmil was previously announced as the preferred contractor for Stage 2 of the development and now has been officially contracted to build the project, continuing its work on Stage 1. The company’s total contract value for the Albany Ring Road Project is now $154 million. 

The multi-million-dollar Albany Ring Road Project will deliver an 11.5-kilometre freight route that extends south from the Menang Drive and Albany Highway intersection, run parallel to Link Road and connect to Princess Royal Drive. 

The new road is being built around the City of Albany and will link to existing roads, helping improve accessibility to the Mirambeena Strategic Industrial Area. 

albany-ring-road-map-2Project alignment (source: Main Roads WA)

Albany Ring Road is delivered in two phases: 

  • Construction of a new interchange at Albany Highway and extension of the Ring Road south to Lancaster Road 
  • Final section of the Ring Road from Lancaster Road to Princess Royal Drive 

“In addition to delivering quality work within budget and on schedule, the Project has also generated significant training and indigenous participation. Indigenous participation in the project to date is 10.5%. Aboriginal Business spend to date totalled 5.7% of total contract spend,” Decmil CEO Road Heale said. 

The company has been working on the first stage of the Albany Ring Road Project since October 2020. 

The $175 million Albany Ring Road Project is due to be completed in 2024, ultimately providing improved road safety, freight productivity and access to freight gateways as well as better connectivity between major freight infrastructure such as airports and commercial and industrial areas. 

Source: Main Roads Western Australia; Roads & Infrastructure Australia; Decmil Group 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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