CPB Contractors win $86m Ravenswood Interchange project in Victoria

Sophia Rostron   |   April 3, 2016

Work on the $86 million Ravenswood Interchange is set to start in May, with CPB Contractors announced by the Australian and Victorian Government to build the project. The Ravenswood Interchange contract was awarded by VIC Roads late last week for a contract sum of $47m, and should see CPB construct the grade separated intersection for Calder Highway and Calder Highway Alternative Highway, Ravenswood and associated works.

Calder Highway (Ravenswood) Interchange Project: The Calder Highway and Calder Alternative Highway both form a very important part to the Melbourne-Mildura transport corridor, which supports major agricultural, mining, processing and manufacturing industries.

About the interchange: The existing interchange at the junction of the Calder Highway and Calder Alternative Highway is located at Ravenswood, which is near the southern outskirts of BendigoThe intersection is a key connection point that is part of the primary road transport route linking regions, cities and towns in northern and north western Victoria and south western New South Wales to Melbourne. It is also a location where there have been a number of serious crashes in recent years.

About the project scope: Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said “CPB Contractors (formerly Leightons Contractors) will build an elevated circular roadway that will separate slow moving traffic from fast moving traffic on the lower north and south bound carriageways of the Calder Freeway.” The project also includes the construction of two new freeway carriageways from Bullock Creek to Ravenswood Creek. Work will also be undertaken to widen existing bridges and culverts, as well as the construction of new service roads and the removal of various uncontrolled areas at grade intersections. 

Ravenswood Interchange Victoria Project Map

Funding: Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the Australian Government was providing $45 million and the Victorian Government $41 million to replace the dangerous intersection of the Calder Highway and the Calder Alternate Highway, where there have been two fatalities since 2009.

Successful Contractor: Tenders were advertised on 1 April 2015 and tendering parties included BMD Constructions, Fulton Hogan, John Holland, CPB Contractors, Seymour Whyte Constructions and Lendlease Engineering. The contract was officially awarded to CPB Contractors on 31 March 2016. Construction is expected to commence in May 2016 and be completed in late 2017. 

Local jobs: Victorian Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan said under the Victorian Government's Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP), a minimum of 95 per cent of project work will be drawn from services provided locally. “The appointment of CPB Contractors will contribute around 800 jobs to local the economy,” Mr Donnellan said.

How to find local suppliers and services:  

With such a significant weighting given to local suppliers, it's crucial to know where to look for local suppliers and what's on offer. Here are some quick links to save you time on your next road project:

And if you're on the supply end of the contract, check out this free eBook to learn more about capitalising on jobs in your area, like the Ravenswood Interchange Upgrade. 

Sophia Rostron
As the Content editor at Felix (formerly PlantMiner), Sophia works behind the scenes to keep our blog machine in motion. A student of Law and Business, she's very dependent on coffee and loves any excuse to travel.

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