Coomera Connector: What's happening now on Stage 1?

Monica Gameng   |   September 10, 2024
Coomera Connector Stage 1 (cr: QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads)

The $3.026 billion Coomera Connector Stage 1 development in Queensland continues to mark major construction milestones across all three work packages. 

The 16-kilometre Coomera Connector Stage 1 is being built in three separate construction packages, namely: 

  • Stage 1 North – Shipper Drive, Coomera to Helensvale Road, Helensvale 
  • Stage 1 Central – Helensvale Road, Helensvale to Smith Street Motorway, Molendinar 
  • Stage 1 South – Smith Street Motorway, Molendinar to Nerang-Broadbeach Road, Nerang 

“The Australian Government is committed to delivering infrastructure that builds Australia, and the Coomera Connector is just one example of how we are doing that for south east Queensland. 

“As one of the biggest infrastructure investments for the region, the Coomera Connector will improve safety, travel times and transport capacity. 

“It will also ensure the viability of the M1 not only from a national freight perspective but also as an intra-regional commuter route and an integral part of the region’s tourism system,” Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King said. 

Stage 1 North has seen more than 1 million working hours clocked by crews, achieving significant milestones on this package. 

The almost 1-kilometre bridge over Coomera River, Hope Island Road and Saltwater Creek is already taking shape with 350 bridge girders installed and 13 bridge deck concrete pours completed to date. 

Installation of about 50 girders required for the overpass and pedestrian bridges over Helensvale Road will also commence in mid-September. 

Crews are also busy laying more than 1,500 metres of asphalt, including the first section of the main motorway along McPhail Road as well as areas for future widening around the Helensvale Road interchange and Shipper Drive. 

Works will also ramp up in the next six month on the Coomera Link Road section to build a new signalised intersection at the Foxwell Road and Shipper Drive roundabout. 

“When the M1 is congested, the impact can be felt on other motorways right across south east Queensland. 

“Giving motorists other travel options is one of the best ways we can relieve our reliance on the M1. 

“The Coomera Connector will cut travel times for thousands of locals and visitors, so it’s great to be on site today to see the progress being made on what will be one of the Gold Coast’s major road corridors. 

“As more people choose to call the Gold Coast home, that means more cars on our roads. 

“We’re committed to delivering the infrastructure projects this part of Queensland needs to improve travel times and remain a great place to live,” Federal Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Senator for Queensland Anthony Chisholm said. 

coomera connector stage 1 corridorCoomera Connector Stage 1 alignment (source: Department of Transport and Main Roads)

Earlier this year, enabling works started on Stage 1 Central and the design for this package of works was released for community consultation. 

Meanwhile, establishment of site compound is underway for Stage 1 South and heavy vehicle access has been built at Boulton Drive to allow critical preloading works to begin in the coming months. 

Furthermore, the main construction tender for Stage 1 South was released alongside the beginning of early works. You can read more about it here. 

“The Miles Government’s investment in better transport could not be more evident than it is on the Coomera Connector. 

“Our Big Build is all go on the Coomera Connector, and as one of the State’s largest transport infrastructure projects, it is great to see so much construction taking shape. 

“There are many areas along the corridor now where significant construction works are underway – building bridges, pouring concrete and laying asphalt. 

“The Coomera Connector is generating jobs and improving connectivity in the region, ensuring our State’s two largest cities stay better connected,” Transport and Main Roads Minister Bart Mellish said. 

Coomera Connector Stage 1 is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments and this massive infrastructure development is anticipated to support an average of 1,000 direct jobs over its life. 

In March of this year, the State Government further invested $432 million towards the project as costs to deliver Coomera Connector Stage 1 increases due to market escalation and inflation. 

The overall Stage 1 of the Coomera Connector will progressively open to traffic in sections from late 2025. 

Key features of Stage 1 include: 

  • Stage 1 North (4 kilometres) 
    • 4 lanes with provision for future widening into the centre median to 6 lanes. Bridges will be future-proofed to 6 lanes to help minimise future construction impacts to adjacent residents and the travelling public 
    • Grade separated interchanges at Shipper Drive and Helensvale Road 
    • An almost 1-kilometre-long bridge over the Coomera River and Saltwater Creek 
    • Open graded asphalt road surface for increased safety and reduced noise 
    • 4.19 kilometres of shared bike and pedestrian path with local path network connections at Shipper Drive, McPhail Road, future Hope Island Station/Hope Island Road, Condamine Crescent, Monterey Keys Drive, Rosswood Court Reserve and Helensvale Road 
    • Upgrades to a section of Foxwell Road and a section of Shipper Drive (known as the Coomera Link Road) 
  • Stage 1 Central (8 kilometres) 
    • 6 lanes 
    • Grade separated interchanges at Helensvale Road, Gold Coast Highway and Smith Street Motorway 
    • More than 8 kilometres of shared bike and pedestrian path connecting with local communities and the Helensvale and Parkwood light rail stations 
    • Wildlife corridors for Careel Reserve and Coombabah Creek 
    • Open graded asphalt road surface for increased safety and reduced noise 
  • Stage 1 South (4 kilometres) 
    • A grade separated interchange at Southport-Nerang Road 
    • A new intersection at Nerang-Broadbeach Road 
    • A new 300-metre bridge structure over the Nerang River 
    • 4 kilometres of shared bike and pedestrian path with local path network connections for communities at Molendinar and Nerang 
    • Open graded asphalt road surface for increased safety and reduced noise 

“I’m always excited to visit the different construction zones across the second M1, especially as features start to take more shape. 

“We’re expecting our State will become home to over a million new Queenslanders over the next 10 years. 

“The Coomera Connector will be critical in providing an alternative to the M1. 

“It will be a serious game changer for Gold Coast residents,” State Member for Gaven Meaghan Scanlon said. 

Source: Queensland Government – Media Statements; Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; Queensland Government – Department of Transport and Main Roads; Infrastructure Magazine 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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