Contractors announced for East Perth Station upgrade

Kerri McGrath   |   August 10, 2016

The $25m contract to upgrade the East Perth Station has been awarded to construction contractor Laing O'Rouke and engingeering firm AECOM. 

Construction is due to start this month to make the station more modern, accessible and better able to host larger crowds expected once the new Perth Stadium which opens next year. 

The works are part of the $358m integrated transport solution for the new stadium, under which Laing O’Rourke and AECOM were awarded the $100 million Stadium Station and railway infrastructure contract in 2015. 

Artist impression of East Perth Station upgrade. Artist impression of East Perth Station upgrade. Source: WA Govt

The upgrade includes lengthening the station platform, building a new wider and covered pedestrian bridge, installing four new lifts and stairs and building new bike facilities an a new rail crossover. The platform will be resurfaced and new tactile markers will be installed to aid vision impaired travellers. 

With 7,500 people in a capacity crowd of 60,000 expected to use the station for events, the upgrades will ensure transport demands are met. The works will also meet the DIsability Discrimination Act requirements for such a facility. 

The work is expected to be completed by the end of 2017 in line with the Perth Stadium and Stadium Station. 

Stay tuned for more updates on the works.

Source: WA Govt, WA Govt

Kerri McGrath
Kerri is a content specialist with Felix (formerly PlantMiner) and the first point of contact for the company. Her hobbies include breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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