Contractor wanted for Stirling Towers demolition in WA

Monica Gameng   |   September 18, 2016

A demolition tender has been released for the Stirling Towers in Western Australia. According to Housing Minister Brendon Grylls, the Housing Authority is looking for a qualified and highly experienced demolition contractor to manage the demolition process of the towers.

“The successful demolition contractor is expected to be announced by the end of this year. The contractor will be required to prepare a detailed demolition plan to manage the process in a highly effective and safe manner that minimises any impact on neighbours.

“The Housing Authority has advised the Highgate community of our redevelopment intentions and what to expect from the demolition process. This has been well received and we will continue to keep the community informed throughout the process,” Minister Grylls said.

03-835news.jpgThe Stirling Towers (source: The Perth)

The Stirling Towers has provided affordable and social housing since the 1970s but in recent years, the authority determined the option of redevelopment for this site and for the local community.

The building’s tenants have already been relocated by the authority to residences within the metropolitan area. The Housing Authority is also closely engaged with the City of Vincent as well as key stakeholders to ensure that the process is carried out as smoothly as possible.

The Housing Authority is getting ready to release an Expression of Interest by November 2016 to engage a development partner from the private sector.

According to Minister Grylls, the site’s redevelopment could offer a wide variety of benefits for the local Highgate and Western Australian community. A new housing project is set to rise at the site of the towers once demolition works are completed.

“It will include a mixture of housing types and tenures, private and affordable home ownership, a reduction in the concentration of social housing tenants, and a trial of new initiatives such as car-sharing.

“Once the private sector development partner has been engaged, the community will be consulted on the development as part of the standard town planning process,” Minister Grylls said.

The demolition of the Stirling Towers is set to begin in early 2017 following the announcement of the winning contractor by the end of 2016. The demolition tender will close on 28th September 2016.

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Source: Government of Western Australia

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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