Contract awarded for $200m Henry Lawson Dr Upgrade Section 1B project

Monica Gameng   |   December 7, 2024
Henry Lawson Drive (cr: Transport for NSW)

Major upgrades to one of Greater Sydney’s busiest arterial roads are a step closer to reality as Transport for NSW awards WSP the contract for detailed design works. 

The $200 million Henry Lawson Drive Section 1B upgrade aims to provide motorists with shorter travel times and improved safety while also supporting new development in the precinct. 

This much-awaited upgrade will also improve traffic flow and connectivity to Bankstown Airport as well as industrial and residential areas in Milperra and the wider road network in south-western Sydney. 

Community-driven improvements have been incorporated into the proposed upgrade. Some of the big concerns and challenges raised during consultation include parking spaces, lane widening, intersections, flood control and pedestrian crossings. 

One key change that was proposed is to modify the shared path to minimise tree removal. Meanwhile, two shared path crossings at Auld Avenue and Keys Parade have been changed to pedestrian and cyclist priority crossings to further improve safety. 

This project builds on the improvements to the Georges Hall section of the upgrade that was completed last year alongside the progress made on the Section 1A upgrade at the intersection with Henry Lawson Drive and Milperra Road.

Transport for NSW will be providing upgrades on the project as it progresses, and the community is encouraged to share any additional feedback. 

“The upgrade of Henry Lawson Drive will improve active transport connectivity to deliver greater safety, efficiency, and amenity for the entire community. 

“Along with the 1A project currently in construction to the north, this work will also enhance connections to retail at Henry Lawson Drive and Milperra Road, the Bankstown Airport development and connection to local schools. 

“This upgrade will provide much-improved access to public spaces and amenities such as the Auld Avenue sporting fields complex and Milperra Sports Centre by providing continuous pedestrian and cyclist facilities. 

“The revised proposal also improves traffic flow by including lane widening on Keys Parade and Raleigh Road near the planned roundabout connecting the two roads. 

“This proposal is supported by the community but requests were made by locals for a number of changes following the display of the Review of Environmental Factors. 

“Lengthening the left turn lane from henry Lawson Drive into Bullecourt Avenue has been addressed so drivers have a better line of sight,” a Transport for NSW spokesperson said. 

Source: Transport for NSW (1, 2); Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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