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Consultation begins on Sydney Metro - Western Sydney Airport station & precinct designs

Written by Monica Gameng | Aug 16, 2024 1:26:53 AM

The delivery of Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport continues to progress towards completion and the community is now invited to have their say on the proposed designs for the four new stations and station precincts along the project alignment. 

This is part of the next stage in the planning process that includes the designs for the St Marys Metro Station and Precinct, Orchard Hills Metro Station and Precinct, Luddenham Precinct, Bradfield Metro Station and Precinct, as well as active transport for the entire alignment. 

The community is encouraged to provide feedback on the proposed designs while the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport Stage Two Place, Urban Design and Corridor Landscape Plan (PUDCLP) is on display until 8 September 2024. 

Artist impression of Bradfield Station precinct (source: Sydney Metro)

The PUDCLP was developed in two stages to enable the construction of the new Sydney Metro line to be carried out progressively. 

Exhibition and consultation for the first stage designs that include the Stabling and Maintenance Facility at Orchard Hills and the Metro Station building at Luddenham was completed in late 2023. 

The proposed design presented in Stage Two is inspired by the qualities of Cumberland Plain landscape to establish a sense of connection to place, people and communities of Western Sydney. 

Artist impression of Orchard Hills Station precinct (source: Sydney Metro)

In addition, Transport for NSW has also released a PUDCLP for a new footbridge to connect the existing St Marys Station with the future Metro station and landscaping for the northern entry on Harris Street. The community is being invited to have their say on the plan until 8 September 2024 as well. 

Major construction on Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport commenced in late 2022. Tunnelling activities were completed in June of this year and works are now underway to fit out the tunnels and build six new world-class stations along the project’s 23-kilometre alignment. 

Once completed, the new rail line will provide passengers with a world-class transport option directly to the new Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport at Badgerys Creek as well as to major job hubs and connect to Greater Sydney, including Bradfield city centre. 

Artist impression of Luddenham Station (source: Sydney Metro)

The end-to-end journey time between the St marys Metro Station and Bradfield Metro Station is expected to take about 20 minutes. 

The Australian and New South Wales Governments are aiming to have Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport operational when the new airport opens for passenger services. 

Parklife Metro will be undertaking the delivery of the new stations for Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport. 

This city-shaping project is estimated to support more than 14,000 jobs during its construction phase. 

Source: Sydney Metro (1, 2, 3); Infrastructure Magazine; Roads & Infrastructure Australia