Consultation begins on Coffs Harbour bypass Place Design & Landscape plan

Monica Gameng   |   December 10, 2023
Shephards Lane tunnel (cr: NSW Government)

The community is now being invited to have their say on the draft Place Design and Landscape plan for the $2.2 billion Coffs Harbour bypass as works continue to ramp up on the project. 

The plan highlights the urban, architectural as well as landscape design proposals for the Coffs Harbour bypass. 

The draft Place Design and Landscape plan provides information about the visual appearance of the bypass, including: 

  • Vegetation and landscaping 
  • Noise walls 
  • Interchanges 
  • Bridges 
  • Tunnels 
  • Pedestrian and cycleways 

“On completion, the 14-kilometre Coffs Harbour bypass will save motorists up to 12 minutes of travel time and let them bypass up to 12 sets of traffic lights. 

“This development will improve safety, travel times and livability in Coffs Harbour, but we also want it to be a project the people of Coffs are proud of. 

“That’s why we’re asking for their feedback on the draft Place Design and Landscape plan, which is now out for community consultation. 

“A concept of ‘Mountains to Sea’ has been adopted for the draft plan, and it reflects the unique setting of the bypass where the new Pacific Motorway will sit between, and offer views of, the Great Dividing Range and the Pacific Ocean,” a Transport for NSW spokesperson said. 

More information on this consultation phase is available on the Coffs Harbour project webpage. 

korora-bus-interchange-coffs-harbour-bypassArtist impression of Korora Bus Interchange (source: NSW Government - Pacific Highway Upgrade)

The draft Place Design and Landscape plan was prepared to complement the visual attributes of three distinct zones along the Coffs Harbour bypass route. This includes: 

  • Korora Basin: the northern section of the corridor skirts the ridge line and runs through the highly constrained resorts district where topography, biodiversity, community and tourism intersect 
  • Coffs Harbour Basin: the central section of the corridor is visually prominent interfacing with urban development in the flatlands and the foothills of the escarpment 
  • Boambee Basin: the southern section of the corridor is a key biodiversity corridor where the alignment is built up through the flats and undulating landscape 

Feedback gathered from this consultation period will be considered by the project team and a consultation report will be produced, which highlights key themes and the responses on the project. 

coffs-harbour-bypass-korora-hill-artwallArtist impression of the artwall at Korora Hill (source: NSW Government - Pacific Highway Upgrade)

The $2.2 billion Coffs Harbour bypass is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales Governments. The project will deliver a 1-kilometre four lane road that will improve transport efficiency and road safety for local as well as regional and interstate road users. 

Once open to traffic, motorists running on the Coffs Harbour bypass will be able to save up to 12 minutes in travel time and avoid about 12 sets of traffic lights. The bypass will also remove thousands of vehicles from the Coffs Harbour CBD. 

The Coffs Harbour bypass project is expected to create up to 600 direct jobs, including opportunities for residents of Coffs Harbour and surrounding regions. 

The Ferrovial Gamuda Joint Venture is undertaking the delivery of this project. 

Source: Transport for NSW; NSW Government – Pacific Highway Upgrade; NSW Government – Coffs Harbour Bypass Web Portal 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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