Construction underway on $47m Kwinana Northbound Smart Freeway project

Monica Gameng   |   January 13, 2019

Following the announcement of a preferred builder in September 2018, construction is now underway on the $47 million Kwinana Northbound Smart Freeway project - Perth's first smart freeway - that will deliver better travel between Perth’s CBD and the southern suburbs.

According to Federal Minister for Cities, urban Infrastructure and Population Alan Tudge, this project will be delivering an additional lane on the Kwinana Freeway that will utilise technology like variable speed limits, coordinated ramp signals, CCTV and lane-use management to help improve traffic flow on the road.

“The project covers 13km of the Kwinana Freeway northbound between Farrington Road and the Narrows Bridge, which includes the additional traffic lane from Canning Highway to the Harrows Bridge to boost jobs and bust congestion.

“A lane-use management system, similar to that used on the Northbridge Tunnel, creates an additional lane between Canning Highway and Narrows Bridge by safely opening the emergency stopping lane on the freeway to all traffic,” Mr Tudge said.

Smart Freeways - Kwinana Freeway Northbound Illustration PortraitSource: Main Roads WA

This project will also cover the installation of more signage that will display open and closed traffic lanes together with new stopping bays that can be used for instances such as crashes or breakdowns.

The contract to deliver this project was awarded to the SmartWays Alliance, a joint venture between BMD Constructions, Ventia and Arup.

The Kwinana Northbound Smart Freeway project is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian Governments, with each investing $37.6 million and $9.4 million respectively.

Construction is anticipated for completion by late 2019, with the upgraded freeway opening to traffic in early 2020.

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Source: Government of Western Australia; Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population; Perth Now; Main Roads WA

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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