Construction begins on WA Reid Highway duplication project

Monica Gameng   |   May 28, 2019

Construction is now underway on Perth’s Reid Highway Dual Carriageway project, which will upgrade a four-kilometre section of the highway between Altone Road and West Swan Road.

“This project is the latest milestone in the transformation of the road network in Perth’s north-east corridor,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said.

This project is anticipated to support up to 400 jobs during construction and works will include:

  • Constructing a two-lane second carriageway on the southern side of the existing carriageway
  • A new shared path and local links on the southern side of the highway to improve access to the Swan Valley and enhance local connectivity
  • Modifications to Reid Highway and West Swan Road intersection to improve traffic flow and turning movements
  • A new bridge over Reid Highway, connecting the northern and southern sections of Arthur Street
  • Installation of bridge beams and deck for a second carriageway across Bennett Brook
  • Extending the underpass to link Victoria Road
  • Noise walls
  • Signage, fencing, drainage, landscaping and street lighting

“The Arthur Street Bridge will complement Reid Highway and other major upgrades to improve local access for residents of Caversham and Dayton, relieving pressure on the intersection of Lord Street and Reid Highway,” Midland MLA Michelle Roberts said.

Reid Hwy widening design conceptSource: Main Roads WA

In March of this year, Decmil Southern Pty Ltd was awarded a $46.5 million contract for the delivery of this project.

The Reid Highway Dual Carriageway is the first project to be delivered under the WA Industry Participation Strategy that ensures local work and jobs creation.

THis $77.5 million project is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian Governments, each contributing $56 million and $14 million respectively and an additional $7.5 million from the City of Swan for the Arthur Street Bridge.

“The City of Swan committed $7.5 million towards the overpass in an effort to improve connectivity.

“The highway upgrades will improve safety for users and reduce the likelihood of head-on collisions, which have claimed six lives in recent years,” City of Swan Mayor David Lucas said.

Construction on the Reid Highway Dual Carriageway is due to be completed in mid-2020.

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Source: Government of Western Australia; Mirage News; Main Roads WA

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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