The first sod has been turned, signalling the beginning of construction on the multi-million dollar Mackay Ring Road project in Queensland.
According to Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester, this upgrade will improve travel times on the Bruce Highway that runs through Mackay – a critical commuter, freight and tourist route – by up to 14 per cent.
“The Australian Government’s $397.9 million contribution to this project, which will reduce congestion, efficiency, and road safety issues, is part of a 10-year commitment to upgrade the Bruce Highway.
“The Mackay Ring Road project will improve safety for motorists and freight traffic while supporting an estimated 534 direct jobs over the life of the project,” Mr Chester said.
Queensland Minister for Main Roads and Road Safety Mark Bailey said that this project will deliver approximately 11.3 kilometres of new road which will include the first 2.6 kilometres of the Walkerston Bypass.
“In addition, 13 new bridges will be built, including major bridge crossings on the Pioneer River and Fursden Creek, two major overpasses for the Peak Downs Highway and North Coast Rail Line.
“Seven minor overpasses of existing local roads and cane rail will also be built and the new Pioneer River crossing will have a 100-year flood immunity,” Mr Bailey said.
In August, CPB Contractors was awarded the contract to deliver Stage 1 of the Mackay Ring Road project. The company is going to focus on maximising opportunities for local employment for this project.
The Mackay Ring Road project is expected to be completed by early 2020.
Source: Queensland Government
Another milestone has been reached on the M80 Ring Road upgrade in Victoria, with Expressions of Interest (EOIs) opened to complete the remaining sections of the project.
Two consortia are now shortlisted and will be invited to submit detailed proposals for the design and construction of the $852 million Bunbury Outer Ring Road project in Western Australia. This new milestone takes the project one step closer to beginning construction.
Registration of Interest (ROI) for early stage earthworks on the Western Sydney Airport project has been released by WSA Co – a Government Business Enterprise established to build the new airport.
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