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Construction begins on $90m Grange Road intersection upgrade

Written by Monica Gameng | Mar 6, 2025 1:40:10 AM

Construction is now underway to remove the frustrating ‘dogleg’ intersection across Grange Road at Beverley, South Australia. 

The $90 million project will upgrade the Grange Road, Holbrooks Road and East Avenue intersection to make moving across Grange Road easier and faster. 

The upgrade will include: 

  • Two through lanes 
  • Two dedicated right-turn lanes for traffic going from Grange Road onto Holbrooks Road travelling south 
  • A dedicated left-turn lane on Grange Road travelling north 
  • Two dedicated right-turn lanes from East Avenue onto Grange Road travelling west 
  • A left turn slip lane from East Avenue onto Grange Road travelling east 
  • Two dedicated right-turn lanes from Holbrooks Road onto Grange Road travelling east 
  • A left turn slip lane from Holbrooks Road onto Grange Road travelling west 
  • A dedicated left-turn lane from Grange Road onto Holbrooks Road travelling south 

Source: SA Department for Infrastructure and Transport

The project will also deliver new and upgraded traffic signals, lighting, line marking, upgraded pedestrian crossings and installation of new dedicated bicycle lanes on all approaches. 

The current T-junction of Grange Road, Holbrooks Road and East Avenue carries about 49,500 vehicles each day, with the existing layout of the intersection causing delays for all road users and seeing up to 31 crashes between 2019 and 2023, including 18 rear-end crashes. 

“The Grange Road, Holbrooks Road and East Avenue intersection upgrade is something western suburbs commuters have long been hoping for – they can’t wait to see the existing ‘dogleg’ intersection removed. 

“The current configuration along Grange Road at Beverley has frustrated motorists for years, and has had more than 30 crashes reported in five years. 

“Constructing a new four-way intersection will relieve congestion, resulting in less time waiting at the traffic lights and improved safety and connectivity. 

“Upgraded pedestrian crossings and new dedicated bicycle lanes will also improve pedestrian and cyclist safety at the intersection, and an indented bus bay on Holbrooks Road will improve bus movement through the intersection. 

“We thank road users for their patience while these important works are being undertaken,” Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Tom Koutsantonis said. 

The upgraded intersection is due to open to traffic by the end of 2025, with finishing works to be completed in early 2026. 

This project will support up to 100 full-time equivalent jobs during the construction stage. 

The Grange Road, Holsbrook Road and East Avenue intersection upgrade is part of an $850 million package of broader network upgrades linked to the River Torrens to Darlington (T2D) Project to ensure the road network functions efficiently during the project’s delivery phase as well as once it opens to traffic. 

Following community feedback, a new Pedestrian Actuated Crossing was installed on Grange Road between Hallett Boulevard and Coombe Road as part of this project. 

Source: Government of South Australia – News; Government of South Australia – Department for Infrastructure and Transport (1, 2); Roads & Infrastructure Australia