Cockram Constructions Ltd has been awarded a $20.4m contract for Stage Twoof the redevelopment of the Katanning Health Services.
Under the contract, Cockram will build a new emergency and medical imaging departments, an outpatient care facility, refurbished surgical services and sterilising facilities, a new laundry and a new morgue.
Cockram is is due to start work in late August and finish in 2018 and the project expected to support about 700 jobs.
The facility is in regional town Katanning in southern Western Australia and services a number of regional communities. The improvements to infrastructure and service delivery will mean that more patients can be treated regionally, reducing the need to travel away from family to larger facilities or metropolitan sites.
Artist impression of redeveloped Katanning Health Service entry. Source: Business News
Stage One of the contract was awarded to BGC Contracting in early 2016 and work was completed last week. The initial works included the relocation of site services, bulk earthworks and the demolition of obsolete structures.
The project has been funded by the State Government's Royalties for Regions program and is part of the State Government's Southern Inland Health Initiative's program to improve hospital infrastructure in 37 towns across the Wheatbelt, Great Southern, Mid-West and South-West regions.
The existing Katanning Health Service will remain operational throughout the development and will continue to provide for the community's healthcare needs.
Source: WA Govt, AEOL, Business News
The first construction contract for Adelaide's $220m Festival Plaza redevelopment has been awarded to construction and development company Lendlease.
The contract is worth an approximate $21m, involves lowering Festival Drive, which will separate vehicle and pedestrian traffic and enable direct, on-foot access between the Riverbank Footbridge and Adelaide Railway Station.
John Holland has recently been awarded the contract for the Lismore Base Hospital Stage 3B Main Works Redevelopment on behalf of Health Infrastructure NSW, with work commencing shortly.
Queensland's Caboolture Hospital will soon be providing more health services as well as have improved parking facilities as works get underway on the second stage of the Caboolture Hospital Redevelopment Project (CHRP).
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