Civmec secures $175m worth contracts from FMG, BHP & Woodside Energy

Monica Gameng   |   October 18, 2020
Hay Point Ship Loader (cr: McConnell Dowell)

Civmec has announced that it has recently secured a number of contracts with a combined value of $175 million for works in the resources industry. 

According to Civmec, these contracts will be realised across the company’s Metals and Minerals as well as the Oil and Gas sectors. The contract awards will also contribute to “a solid base load of activity for the Company’s manufacturing facilities”. 

The awards include work contracts from BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA), Woodside Energy Ltd and Fortescue Metals Group (FMG). 

The BMA contract will involve works to fabricate, modularise and commission a ship loader at the Hay Point loading port in Central Queensland. The scope of the contract will include the supply and assembly of the complete ship loader as well as its commissioning. 

The large material handling equipment to be used in this project is going to be fabricated at Civmec’s Henderson manufacturing facility in Western Australia and assembled undercover at the company’s new Assembly Hall. 

Civmec will commence works immediately, with completion due in the second half of 2022. The BMA contract is also anticipated to support up to 150 jobs in Perth. 

“We are extremely pleased to be given this opportunity to further support BHP in the delivery of a ship loader. This contract follows on from other smart modules and machines delivered by Civmec for BHP projects as part of our partnership delivering high quality, complex machines,” Civmec Chief Executive Officer Patrick Tallon said. 

The contract award from Woodside Energy, on the other hand, will have a five-year term with two one-year extension options. The scope of works for this contract will include services to support Woodside Energy’s existing onshore and offshore production facilities and capital projects across Australia. 

“We are also privileged to have secured a long-term contract with Woodside, having delivered several projects to the in the past. This contract will provide us with a base load of work and allow us to work with Woodside as a partner to optimise efficiencies and savings in the delivery of our services to them over the longer term,” Mr Tallon said. 

Lastly, the contract from FMG includes the supply of 4,700 tonnes of conveyor, trusses and trestles for the company’s Iron Bridge Magnetite Project in Western Australia. Works will commence this month, with majority of the work completed in 2021 financial year. 

Under this contract, Civmec will undertake majority of works at its Henderson facility. 

“We are delighted to extend our relationship with Fortescue with further work awarded on the Iron Bridge Project. Having recently commenced the on-site activities for the recently awarded civil concrete package for the same project and as we draw closer to completion on the Eliwana project for Fortescue, it is pleasing to get the opportunity to further underpin the relationship,” Mr Tallon added. 

In addition, Civmec has also secured new as well as increased scope packages that include the replenishment of orders for tray bodies fabrication for dump trucks from the company’s Newcastle manufacturing facility. 

Source: Civmec; Australian MiningThe Business TimesInternational Mining 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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