CIMIC companies secure ECI contract for CopperString 2.0 development

Monica Gameng   |   March 2, 2021

Two CIMIC Group companies have been engaged by CuString Pty Ltd for the early contractor involvement (ECI) phase of the $1.7 billion CopperString 2.0 project in Queensland. 

The $7 million ECI contract awarded to UGL Limited and CPB Contractors will involve scoping, designing, site investigations, pricing and finalising the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract for the substation as well as high voltage transmission lines which will link Mount Isa's isolated electricity supply network to the National Electricity Market (NEM) located at Woodstock. 

In addition, the two companies have also been appointed as preferred contractors to build the CopperString 2.0 project. The construction contract is anticipated to be awarded upon the completion of the ECI phase. 

Approvals as well as financing will be informed by CIMIC once contract execution commences. 

“UGL and CPB Contractors have proven experience in delivery of critical infrastructure. We are pleased to support the delivery of this vital transmission line and will look to maximise the economic benefits and employment opportunities that this project can bring to regional communities in North and North West Queensland,” CIMIC Group Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Juan Santamaria said. 

map-newProject map (source: CopperString 2.0)

CopperString 2.0 will deliver a new 1,100-kilometre-long high voltage transmission line running from a substation on the Ross to Strathmore transmission line located south of Townsville to a substation near Cloncurry and then onwards to Mount Isa. 

This more than one-billion-dollar project is expected to support up to 750 jobs during its construction and a further 30 direct operational jobs once up and running. 

Once CopperString 2.0 is operational, it will connect the people and communities of Mount Isa as well as the North West Minerals Province to the National Electricity Grid. The project will also supply electricity to existing customers in North West Queensland and provide opportunities for new industrial facilities, large agricultural and renewable energy projects. 

In late January, CuString Pty Ltd signed a $17 million financial agreement with Korea Zinc Company Limited which pushed the project further towards construction. You can read more about the agreement here. 

Source: CIMIC Group; CPB Contractors; UGL LimitedCopperString 2.0 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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