Canberra Light Rail Stage 2A now under construction

Monica Gameng   |   February 18, 2025
Canberra Light Rail Stage 2A (cr: ACT Government)

Stage 2A of the Canberra Light Rail development is now under construction, taking light rail services a step closer to reaching Woden. 

This $577 million project – jointly funded by the Australian and Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Governments – will extend the existing light rail network by 1.7 kilometres from Alinga Street to Commonwealth Park. 

“Light rail is future-proofing Canberra with a modern public transport system, connecting residential areas with employment precincts, and recreation and lifestyle hubs. 

“This is about more than just transport, it’s about reshaping the way people move around Canberra and unlocking the growth of our nation’s capital. 

“It’s one of a number of significant projects we’re investing in to build Australia’s future, from cities to the suburbs,” Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said. 

Not only will this project help prevent future congestion, but it will also make travelling around the capital easier as the region continues to grow. 

Stage 2A will also deliver a new bridge over Parkes Way and three new stops at Edinburgh Avenue, City South and Commonwealth Park. 

“When I was ACT Chief Minister, I saw the potential that light rail had to transform and connect our city and that’s why we started this project. 

“Stage one of light rail has proven popular and has transformed the City to Gungahlin corridor and I am excited to see the next stage of this project getting underway to extend the tracks south of the lake. 

“Only Labor delivers investments in city-changing projects like this one that build Canberra, create jobs and grow our local economy,” Federal Minister for Finance and Senator for the ACT Katy Gallagher said. 

The light rail fleet will be powered by renewable energy, with batteries retrofitted, to enable wire free travel along the corridor. The fleet will also have accessibility features to allow people of all abilities to use this mode of transport, including people in wheelchairs or those with prams. 

Active travellers will also benefit from the light rail fleet’s accessibility as they can take their bicycles or scooters aboard, extending the reach of their commute. 

“Light rail is a long-term asset for Canberra. 

“It will service our city for decades to come. 

“I’m pleased to see construction on Light Rail to Commonwealth Park in the heart of our city, connecting to the future Acton Waterfront, more homes and better commercial precincts in an underused part of our CBD. 

“This is the next stage of a long-term plan to make the Canberra we love, even better,” ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr said. 

The project will also deliver landscape and aesthetic features that will transform London Circuit and Commonwealth Avenue, including:

  • A landscape that will preserve and strengthen the historic character of Commonwealth Avenue as a wide tree-lined boulevard. This includes proposed pin oak plantings in the Commonwealth Avenue median 
  • Green track sections on parts of Northbourne Avenue, London Circuit and Commonwealth Avenue. Green tracks help reduce glare, noise, and dust. It absorbs rainwater and helps the track blend into the surrounding landscape 
  • Construction of a new bridge over Parkes Way for light rail. It will lay between the two Commonwealth Avenue bridges 
  • A discreet wire-free track to maintain Canberra’s iconic landmarks and views 

“Light rail has proven the benefits of mass transit in Canberra. 

“This next stage is critical to building out the network and delivering better public transport to the rest of the city. 

“Stage 2A is part of our wider vision of building a north-south light rail line to Woden, integrated with electric buses to our suburbs. 

“The extension of the light rail network will also support more housing, so that more people can choose to live in well-located areas close to public transport and access to services,” ACT Minister for Transport Chris Steel said. 

Safety features have been incorporated in the project’s design as well. It includes: 

  • Dedicated or separated paths for pedestrians and cyclists 
  • Two new signalised intersections on London Circuit at West Row and University Avenue. They will provide safe and controlled pedestrian and cyclist crossings 
  • In-ground pedestrian lights in key locations. They will alert and remind pedestrians to cross light rail tracks safely 
  • Protected cycle ways on newly designed intersections. They will be London Circuit and Northbourne Avenue, and London Circuit and Commonwealth Avenue 
  • A cobbled median on London Circuit West. It will help pedestrians and cyclists differentiate the light rail corridor from the roadway 

Once construction is completed on Stage 2A, the new rail connection will unlock housing and commercial development opportunities as well as bring Canberra’s CBD closer to the lake. 

Construction is due to be completed in 2027, with light rail services connecting Gungahlin and North Canberra to City West, the ANY, New Acton, Commonwealth Park and Lake Burley Griffin. 

This stage of Light Rail to Woden is anticipated to create 1,000 jobs. 

“Canberra’s light rail is one of the most transformative infrastructure projects in our city’s history, and this next stage will make it even easier for people to get around. 

“With construction now underway on Stage 2A, we are bringing light rail closer to the lake, unlocking new opportunities for housing and businesses, and ensuring our growing city has the modern, sustainable transport it needs. 

“This project is about making Canberra an even better place to live, work, and visit – now and for future generations,” Federal Member for Canberra Alicia Payne MP said. 

Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; ACT Government – Open Government; ACT Government – Light Rail to Woden; Built for CBD 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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