Business case summary for Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line revealed

Monica Gameng   |   March 16, 2024
Artist impression of the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line (cr: Queensland Government)

Following the announcement of the initial $2.75 billion funding, a summary of the final business case for the proposed Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line has been published. 

The summary includes new details about the project such as further information about the technical solution, construction challenges and cost estimates. 

The business case recommends a staged delivery of the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line, with the first stage of the project seeing more than half of the proposed rail line built by 2032. 

The business case also outlines the following key features of the proposed project: 

  • 37.8 kilometres dual track, narrow gauge rail line between Beerwah and Maroochydore, and associated rail systems (including overhead lines, traction power and signalling) 
  • New staions at Nirimba (Aura), Caloundra, Aroona, Birtinya, Mountain Creek and Maroochydore, a rebuilt station at Beerwah and provision for a future station at Beerwah East 
  • Approximately 17 kilometres of structures (where required for flood mitigation and road/rail separation) and an approximately 1.2-kilometre tunnel at Little Mountain (with associated fire, life safety system and mechanical and electrical systems) 
  • New stabling facilities at Beerwah South and Birtinya 
  • Active transport corridors and expansion of local walking and cycling networks around stations 
  • Park ‘n’ ride facilities at all stations, except Maroochydore (to discourage people driving into the future city centre), and kiss ‘n’ ride and bus interchange facilities at all stations 

“Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line will change the way people travel – making a trip from Caloundra to Brisbane at least 45 minutes faster than a car in peak. 

“With the number of trips on the Bruce Highway set to increase by 49 per cent by 2046, residents in the region need a direct, fast and reliable connection to the South-East. 

“Direct Sunshine Coast Rail will not only help ease congestion, but will also help unlock future housing development on the Sunshine Coast,” Transport and Main Roads Minister Bart Mellish said. 

23_0066CA_DSC_Rnd_2_Corridor_Map_V7_NO_LABELSProposed alignment (source: Queensland Government)

Cost estimates for the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line have also been released for each development stage. The stage to Birtinya will have a construction cost of approximately $8.4 billion and the stage to Maroochydore will cost about $12 billion to build. 

The business case summary also highlights that the delivery of the 37.8-kilometre rail line to Maroochydore will at least take 10 years to complete and that unless the project is built in stages, none of the proposed stations would open to passengers before 2032. 

A staged delivery takes into account the length of the corridor, affordability and market capacity. This staged approach will not only allow for sections of the rail line to open years earlier, but it also creates a progressive pipeline of jobs while easing construction impacts on the local community. 

Test staging to both Caloundra and Birtinya by 2032 were conducted, ultimately resulting in recommend staging to Birtinya. Despite being recommended, the business case summary notes the complex construction and engineering works needed to build to Birtinya, which presents risks to the project cost and timeframes that could prevent the rail line from opening by 2032. Delivery alone between Caloundra and Birtinya spans 7.5 kilometres and includes four kilometres of track on viaducts and six bridges as well as a 1.2-kilometre tunnel. 

Based on the recommendations, the Queensland Government has committed to delivering Stage 1 which includes building rail to Caloundra by 2032, protecting the revised alignment to Maroochydore, and further planning, environmental investigations and design. Building the rail line to Caloundra will not require any homes to be resumed. 

The first stage will also involve going to market to test the risk to construction timeframes and costs for the section from Caloundra to Birtinya. 

If fully funded, in partnership with the Australian Government, Stage 1 is expected to deliver at least 19 kilometres of the rail line before 2032 – which is more than half of the proposed corridor.

Stage 1 of the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line is expected to cost between $5.5 billion to $7 billion. Cost estimates will be finalised following further design development, market engagement and procurement. 

“The business case recommends staging and we have committed funding to deliver the first stage, more than half the length of the full rail line, with possible extension to Birtinya subject to procurement activities. 

“This is a complex project and the business case was an important part of the planning process. It sets out how the project should be delivered and identifies the complex engineering challenges along the rail line. 

“Stage 1 alone involves building 19 kilometres of track. 7 kilometres of that track is elevated rail on viaducts, including 10 bridges, crossing roads, creeks and the Bruce Highway. 

“Stage 2 is even more complex, involving construction of another 7.5 kilometres of track between Caloundra and Birtinya, including a 1.2-kilometre tunnel at Little Mountain. 

“Again, 4 kilometres of that is elevated rail on viaducts including 6 bridges, due to the number of creek crossings and low-lying terrain. So we require further advice from leading infrastructure construction companies on the approach, materials and timeframes to deliver this section of the line,” Minister Mellish said. 

Just recently, the Queensland Government committed an initial $2.75 billion to deliver Stage 1 of the project, however it still requires matched funding from the Federal Government before works can begin. Works on Stage 1 are projected to commence in 2026, with a target completion of by 2032. 

The Australian Government previously committed $1.6 billion towards the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line. 

The final business case for the project has been issued to Infrastructure Australia for review and assessment. 

The full business case cannot be released to the public as it contains information that is commercial in confidence. Releasing the full business case would prejudice the procurement process, and could influence commercial negotiations. 

“The Direct Sunshine Coast Rail Line is another record investment in Queensland’s rail network from our government, building on the multi-billion-dollar rail revolution currently underway. 

“Through the delivery of Cross River Rail, we are removing the bottleneck in Brisbane’s CBD and creating opportunities to provide better rail services to some of South East Queensland’s fastest growing regions. 

“With better, more connected rail options available we hope commuters will leave the car at home, reducing congestion and lowering transport emissions on the path to net zero,” Minister Mellish said. 

Source: Queensland Government – Media Statements; Queensland Government – Department of Transport and Main Roads (1, 2

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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