Builders announced for Mulgoa Road upgrade in NSW

2 min read
Monica Gameng   |   December 11, 2022
Mulgoa Road (cr: Transport for NSW)

Transport for NSW is gearing up for a major upgrade on Mulgoa Road between Jeanette Street at Regentville and Blaikie Road at Jamisontown with the contract to deliver the works awarded to Seymour Whyte Constructions and Turnbull Engineering. 

“Mulgoa Road is already one of Western Sydney’s key arterial routes with 52,000 car movements every day, which is why we’re making these important upgrades to ensure it keeps pace with the region’s growth. 

“This is yet another example of the NSW Government delivering on its vision for a brighter future for people right across NSW and building the world-class infrastructure they deserve,” Minister for Metropolitan Roads Natalie Ward said. 

Upgrading Mulgoa Road is projected to support future economic growth of the region through an improved connection to the M4 Motorway as well as increased productivity. 

Member for Penrith Stuart Ayres said: “I’m excited to see early works begin with the appointment of a contractor, ahead of major work next year.” 

The Mulgoa Road upgrade will include: 

  • Upgrading of Mulgoa Road to a six-lane divided road (three lanes in each direction) with a central median 
  • Relocation of a number of complex utilities such as gas, water, sewer and electricity 
  • Factory Road to be turned to a safer left-in access only 
  • Longer and additional turning laned on Mulgoa Road to access the M4 Motorway 
  • Removing the tunnel access to the Penrith Homemakers Centre at Wolseley Street by providing dual right-turn lanes on Mulgoa Road 
  • Bus priority lanes at Wolseley Street and Glenbrook Street intersections 
  • An active transport corridor along the eastern side of Mulgoa Road 
  • Active transport corridor connecting Hatchinson Crescent, Huron Place and Peter Court to create a shared transit zone for vehicles and cyclists and providing adjacent footpath 
  • Left-in only from Glenbrook Street to Peter Court 
  • Noise wall on the eastern side from Glenbrook Street to the M4 Motorway 
  • Preparation for future widening to the north and south 

“In addition, the upgrade will include bus priority works around intersections, new landscaping, upgraded paths and a noise barrier. 

“Three sections of Mulgoa Road are also progressing to a final design; around 850 metre between Glenmore Parkway and Jeanette Street, about 1.2 kilometre between Blaikie Road and Jamison Road and a further kilometre between Jamison and Union roads,” Member for Mulgoa Tanya Davies said. 

This upgrade is jointly funded by the New South Wales and Federal Governments, and it is part of a wider plan to improve vital connectivity across Penrith. 

The Mulgoa Road upgrade also complements work the State Government has delivered around the Jane Street intersection as well as the upgrades completed along The Northern Road. 

Source: NSW Government – Media Releases; Transport for NSW (1, 2); Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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