Builder announced for new Sydney Metro Crows Nest Station

Monica Gameng   |   October 22, 2020
Artist impression of Crows Nest Station (cr: Sydney Metro)

Sydney Metro’s new Crows Nest Station is now ready to begin construction in January 2021 as the New South Wales Government awards a $370 million construction contract to AW Edwards. 

Prior to this contract award, Sydney Metro’s tunnelling contractor has already completed excavation works for the future Crows Nest Station – with a final depth of 25 metres.  

The new Crows Nest Station is going to be the first stop for metro services departing Chatswood and headed towards the Sydney CBD once Sydney Metro is extended from the North West in 2024. 

“The new Crows Nest Station will transform how customer travel, with air-conditioned, driverless trains every four minutes in each direction in peak times. 

“Hundreds of new jobs will be created throughout the life of the project, with more than 300 workers on site during peak phases of construction activity,” Minister for Transport Andrew Constance said. 

This station is one of six new stations being built as part of the Sydney Metro & Southwest project and it will provide new metro rail access to the Crows Nest residential area as well as local school and businesses. 

In addition, the new Crows Nest Station will create a new transport focus on the southern side of St Leonards specialised centre, supporting the St Leonards southern gateway to commercial and mixed-use activities. 

200729_Crows Nest Station Box_006Crows Nest Station box (source: Sydney Metro)

The Crows Nest Station development will include: 

  • Construction and fit out of the station, including two station entrances with one located on Pacific Highway between Oxley Street and Hume Street and one located on Clarke Street near the corner of Hume Street 
  • Lifts and escalators to the new underground platform 
  • Retail space next to the Clarke Street station entry, and future retail opportunities at ground level along the Pacific Highway 
  • Public domain works including footpaths, street tree planting, lighting and street furniture 
  • New pedestrian lights to cross the Pacific Highway on the northern side of Oxley Street intersection 
  • New pedestrian crossings on Clarke and Hume streets 
  • New bike parking on Hume Street, Pacific Highway, Clarke Street and Oxley Street 
  • New kiss and ride and point to point transport bays in close proximity to the station 
  • Installation of wayfinding and Sydney Metro information signage 
  • Hume Street bi-directional separated cycle link from Clarke Street to Nicholson Street 
  • Upgraded Hume Street intersection with cycle crossing and increased pedestrian capacity 

AW Edwards will also be undertaking enabling works for the future over station development 

“We have a long tradition of delivering innovative construction solutions and look forward to working with the Sydney Metro team on this exciting project. 

“It’s pleasing to see our efforts to secure some of the NSW Government’s health and transport infrastructure investment paying off,” AW Edwards Chief Executive Officer Greg D’Arcy said. 

Once the new station is completed, commuters will be able to travel to Chatswood in about four minutes, five minutes to Barangaroo and seven minutes to Martin Place. 

The future over station development is going to be built by a delivery partner selected through a separate tender process. 

Source: Transport for NSWAW Edwards; Sydney Metro (1, 2); Infrastructure Magazine 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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