Works to deliver more frequent and reliable services on the Geelong Line in Victoria will soon get underway following the appointment of the Djilang Alliance to deliver the South Geelong to Waurn Ponds Duplication project.
The Djilang Alliance is comprised of construction and design experts McConnell Dowell, Downer, Arup and WSP.
“We know how important this project is for the people of Geelong, and our team is very proud to work hand in hand with the local community and Rail Projects Victoria, to provide these important infrastructure upgrades for current and future generations,” Djilang Alliance General Manager Ewan Henderson said.
“We look forward to working closely with our joint venture partners and Rail Projects Victoria to deliver this important infrastructure to the growing region of Geelong,” Downer Group Chief Executive Officer Grant Fenn said.
The South Geelong to Waurn Ponds Duplication project will include:
This project is part of the more than $1 billion investment by the Australian and Victorian Governments for the staged upgrade of the Geelong Line – which includes the Waurn Ponds Station upgrade and the stabling and maintenance facility in Waurn Ponds.
Early works on the project are now underway, which includes the relocation of a Barwon Water pipeline to enable key sections of track to be duplicated.
Major construction on the South Geelong to Waurn Ponds Duplication is due to commence in late 2022 and completed in late 2024.
Once completed, this project will enable five train services per hour during peak times as well as three services an hour during peaks for Marshall and Waurn Ponds stations.
For this project, Arup and WSP will be jointly providing full engineering and design works for the track duplication and grade separation infrastructure. Works will include designing the new station buildings as well as precincts at Marshall and South Geelong along with provision of integrated landscape architecture and urban design.
“Stations are no longer seen as just transport hubs, they are places for people and the community.
“There will be quality public realms, enabling pedestrians and cyclists to move safely, along with new trees, permeable surfaces and water sensitive urban design. Together these features will create a sense of place as well as a more sustainable and comfortable experience as people gather or move through the precincts,” Arup Design Manager Rachel Nicholls said.
Source: Victoria’s Big Build – Regional Rail Revival (1, 2); McConnell Dowell; Downer Group; Arup; Roads & Infrastructure Australia
Major milestones have been reached on the South Geelong to Waurn Ponds Duplication project, which is part of a staged upgrade on Victoria’s busiest regional rail line – the Geelong Line.
Victoria’s South Geelong to Waurn Ponds Duplication Stage 2 is progressing to the next step with the beginning of the Expressions of Interest process for contractors to deliver the project.
Major works on Geelong’s newest convention and exhibition centre take a step closer to commencing following the announcement of a preferred bidder to build the project as well as the unveiling of the proposed designs for the iconic building.
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