BMD secures $15.3m contract for works on Canberra's Ashley Drive upgrade project

Monica Gameng   |   September 15, 2016

BMD Constructions has been awarded the $15.3 million contract to deliver key infrastructure works for stage two of the Ashley Drive Upgrade project in Canberra.

Ashley Drive provides a vital link between Richardson and Wanniassa, and it is an arterial road located in the southern part of Canberra.

This major road network caters to more than 20,000 vehicles a day and in order to ease congestion, the current single traffic lane will be upgraded to double lanes. The upgrade will also remove excessive queuing and delays as well as help increase safety by reducing the risk of vehicular accidents at intersections on Statton Street, Bugden Avenue and Cliff Crescent.

ashley-drive-canberra-act-1.jpgAshley Drive Upgrade Stage 2 scope (source: Tuggeranong Community Council)

The scope of works that BMD will be delivering includes:

  • Duplicating the traffic lane between Erindale Drive and Ellerston Avenue
  • Providing provisions of on-road cycle lanes
  • Reinstatement of existing shared paths
  • Installing new utility services which includes street lighting and traffic signals
  • Constructing stormwater drainage, pedestrian underpasses, and a new road bridge over Monks Creek
  • Upgrades on the existing road bridges across Tuggeranong and Monks Creek
  • Upgrades to the underpass north of Statton Street and Bugden Avenue

Works on this ACT Government project is expected to commence in October 2016 and to be completed by late 2017.

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Source: BMD Constructions and Tenders ACT

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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